Female Biologist Asks Reddit If It Was Okay To Use Bird Droppings To Get Rid Of A Creepy Old Man

When she checked the bird houses, he saw the thong-wearing creep sunbathing nearby.

  • Published in Animals
Female Biologist Asks Reddit If It Was Okay To Use Bird Droppings To Get Rid Of A Creepy Old Man

Older men preying on younger women is far too well-documented in both real life and pop culture. It's often an attempt to get back the carefree days of youth that were long gone or to build confidence through proving their desirability to someone younger than them.

Maybe they're looking for an ego boost. Whatever it is, it's shady and wrong.

As a woman, dealing with dirty old men can be both awkward and frustrating. One way to handle these dubious characters is simply to walk away.

If you have to stay put, try being friendly but assertive in your body language to communicate that you are not interested in the comments or advances they may make. Also, make sure to keep your distance and not get too close, so as not to encourage unwanted contact from those creeps.

Lastly, never forget the power of your own voice. Be confident in setting boundaries for yourself, expressing your discomfort, and, if necessary, raising your voice to ensure their inappropriate behavior does not go unchecked.

Today's post will look at a story of a female biologist who found herself dealing with a creepy old man. And let's just say her way of handling the situation is a unique one.

The original poster (OP) explains her work.

The original poster (OP) explains her work.birdpoopthrowaway20

Part of her job is to check on the birds. Their houses are located in a popular beach.

Part of her job is to check on the birds. Their houses are located in a popular beach.birdpoopthrowaway20

What a creep!

What a creep!birdpoopthrowaway20

She already warned the old man, but since he refuses to listen...

She already warned the old man, but since he refuses to listen...birdpoopthrowaway20

Bird poop landed on him.

Bird poop landed on him.birdpoopthrowaway20

Redditors were entertained by the story. Most of them sided with the OP.

Redditors were entertained by the story. Most of them sided with the OP.The_forgotten_child, Working_Salamander

He asked for it!

He asked for it!Mystery_Substance

Not all men at her workplace can empathize with her in that situation.

Not all men at her workplace can empathize with her in that situation.CatsCatsKittensCats, birdpoopthrowaway20

He should be glad. He got what he wanted. /s

He should be glad. He got what he wanted. /sDriftingBadger, birdpoopthrowaway20

He can just always use the ocean to clean himself up.

He can just always use the ocean to clean himself up.idontwanttothinkof1

She may have felt bad after being told the a-hole by her colleagues, but at least, she has a hilarious story up her sleeve.

She may have felt bad after being told the a-hole by her colleagues, but at least, she has a hilarious story up her sleeve.birdpoopthrowaway20, idontwanttothinkof1

We agree! He deserved it.

We agree! He deserved it.Richomundo

That'll teach him a lesson.

That'll teach him a lesson.MemeLordSteph

If only women can have bird droppings every time they deal with creepy guys.

If only women can have bird droppings every time they deal with creepy guys.EloiseJenkins

A user isn't on anyone's side in this story. Both had faults.

A user isn't on anyone's side in this story. Both had faults.OrangeName

They need to be taught a lesson.

They need to be taught a lesson.cate2283

Good thing the OP didn't laugh.

Good thing the OP didn't laugh.KaijuAlert

Even if it was an a-hole move, you gotta admit it was awesome.

Even if it was an a-hole move, you gotta admit it was awesome.HiHoJufro

Another user is interested in using bird poop to keep the creeps away.

Another user is interested in using bird poop to keep the creeps away.buymoreplants

This story will be celebrated in these subreddits.

This story will be celebrated in these subreddits.reallynomaybe

Even an old guy agrees the creep deserved it.

Even an old guy agrees the creep deserved it.Source

It may seem like harmless flattery, but older men taking advantage of young women undermine their right to consent or establish healthy boundaries. Instead, such behavior should be met with an emphatic ‘no’ and zero tolerance.

Although it was unprofessional, it was probably the best way to drive off the creepy old man during that time. Would you do the same thing if you were in the OP's shoes?
