Pictures That Will Make You Very Concerned About The Failing Education System In America
Clearly the education system is failing kids these days.

The United States spends the most money on education but manages to be ridiculously far behind pretty much all other developed nations. According to research provided at dosomething.org, "30 years ago, America was the leader in quantity and quality of high school diplomas. Today, our nation is ranked 36th in the world." The problems with the education system here have a negative ripple effect that can impact everyone. In fact, our low high school graduation rates have cost $337 billion in earnings lost over the course of the students’ lifetimes.
More startling facts about how we're being failed? According to U.S. manufacturers, 40% of all 17-year-olds do not have the math skills and 60% lack the reading skills to hold down a production job at a manufacturing company!
But hey, you don't have to just read the facts, a simple browse of the Internet will literally prove that the education system here is failing students in disproportionate levels compared to the vast amount of knowledge available in our present day and age. The hardest task for you today will be deciding whether to be sad or to laugh.
Arr, matey.
I mean, they don't look anything like Captain Jack Sparrow but they did and do exist.

Everyone clapped.
I'm so super sure this really happened.

Yep, that's all there is to it.
This Reddit thread on r/explainitlikeimfive can help you better understand what Ken doesn't grasp.

Ding, ding, ding, devil's doorbell.
So many people failed this man for him to have such a teeny-tiny understanding of where babies come from.

Oh, this makes sense.
I really wish someone would finally put a stop to celebrities eating children.

Flawed logic.
You tried. Sort of. Not really.

I bet you'd all like to know there's an answer for this.
The Sun can "burn" hydrogen to helium without the need for oxygen. But someone failed this person.

Is anyone else speechless? No?
I'm 99% sure a creature like this would literally disprove evolution but let's just ignore these people.

Think before you post.

What a mystery!
"I swear mom, it must have been the flu shot," was apparently believable by more than one person.

Books are making you stupid.
Said by someone who has read as few books as humanely possible.

New vaccine injury:
Kind of a big head.

Seatbelts are a hoax perpetuated by Big Auto.
Stop driving in cars.

Swing and a miss.
You might have to read this one 2 or 3 times.

No, no, no.
I bet there was a time where this guy thought homo-sapiens and homosexuals were the same thing.

Let this sink in, deep.
This is an "educated" individual making "educated" decisions.

You don't say?
We are doomed.

Oh no, baby, what are you doing?
This idiot has got to be a flat-earther to be this stupid.

That dang government.

Quite Close
Unless the clouds are 94 million miles away, zing one to the flat earthers.

Sometimes you wish you wore headphones more often.
Imagine all the stupidity you wouldn't hear.

The conspiracy of gravity
Theories about gravity are indeed complex but what we do know is that Earth's gravity is actually very weak compared to other forces. It is not something easily understood by people who don't have complex degrees in science but kudos to this dumb-dumb for asking an age-old question as if he is some sort of genius proving a point.

Oh great, how many of these gravity ignorant folks are out there?
Someone get these people a science book, stat!
