Dollar Tree Manager Loses It On Customers Who Are Impatient And Offers Them Jobs

If you've ever been in a long line waiting to check out then you know the frustration.

  • Published in Funny
Dollar Tree Manager Loses It On Customers Who Are Impatient And Offers Them Jobs

There are two frustrating sides to this story because many of us can agree with the customer in the fact that it's sometimes frustrating to be standing in a line for a very long time waiting to get checked out. However, with this being said, there is a really frustrating thing about being a manager or the cashier who is checking out a store full of people by themselves, especially when they are clearly impatient.

Unfortunately, this situation escalated quickly, but we wanted to give a look into this story to show both sides and to also let people know that it's almost never that serious. So, next time you're in a store like this, just keep this situation in mind.

We want to preface this story by saying that having an attitude or being rude to customers and workers is equally not okay, and it shouldn't be taken to this extreme absolutely ever. But we do know that things happen, and usually, we're here to tell the story of what happened.

With this being said, we want to dive into this story and let you know the full situation behind this crazy encounter with a Dollar Tree customer and manager.

It turns out that the manager actually does need the help and the complaining customer could've gotten hired.

The TikToker @mixedbeautty showed this entire encounter on her social media profile. The line seems to be extremely long, and it seems that there's only one register with one cashier open, which seems to be what irritated the customer.

You can hear the customer complaining and then the manager coming to say, "I'll hire you on the spot!" "I need the help."

The customer did tell the manager to get back there and ring the register, but clearly, people don't understand that there are more things that need to get done in a store than just ringing on the register.

Clearly, the manager was busy doing other things that he couldn't step away from to help the cashier.

It turns out that the manager actually does need the help and the complaining customer could've gotten hired.mixedbeautty

Then this is exactly when people started commenting on the post explaining how they feel about the story and video.

A lot of people sympathized with the manager in saying that they couldn't really complain because he stated that they're understaffed and can't do much. Some people even said they realized that many Dollar Tree stores are very understaffed.

Then this is exactly when people started commenting on the post explaining how they feel about the story and video.mixedbeautty

It seems that people came into the comments with their experiences working for Dollar Tree.

It seems that a lot of people understood the customer's perspective in being upset about the lack of employees that were there.

It seems that people came into the comments with their experiences working for Dollar Tree.mixedbeautty

Watch the video here:

After hearing about this story, it does make us see both sides because I think we've all probably been on both sides of the equation. I know personally, I've been an annoyed customer in an understaffed store in a long line, but I've also been a frustrated manager trying to do what they can with what they've got despite a super long line or busy store.
