Dogs Who Prove That Their Memories Are Almost As Good As An Elephant's
Whoever said elephants never forget obviously has never met doggos quite like these

For those of us who are blessed enough to own (or have owned) a dog, we knew that each one has their own quirky personality.
Most dogs as well as being a funny member of the family have a memory that will impress even the most organised parent in birthday season.
That's right, when something great happens in a dogs life you can bet anything they'll remember the exact place, time, and weather when it happened, and perhaps overestimating the occurrence of miracles, will wait, forever, for it to happen again.
They'll wait days, weeks, months, perhaps even years for their miracle moment to happen again, and if you still need proof, check out these dogs that Twitter uses have, that adorably prove my point.
We all know that greyhounds need food to go super speedy, she was just trying to stay charged!

Nicky Brienne; Goddess of Fireplace Squirrels

So basically Drake likes making friends!

Wait, are magic food bushes actually a thing?

Maybe she's in love? Long, lost, forbidden love...

Honestly... I'd pay to see that.

Hey if the sky dropped food on me I probably wouldn't complain

This is just a great display of perseverance, determination, and loyalty to lasagna

BBQ food is the BEST food!

Am I the only one who's wondering where a chicken CARCASS came from!!??

The magic baguette bush!

Just. In. Case.

Well... Did it?

Even though the tree is gone, his memories will live on!
