Adorable Dogs Learned That Bees And Wasps Are Not To Be Messed With

Unfortunately, these dogs have learned about things the hard way

  • Published in Animals
Adorable Dogs Learned That Bees And Wasps Are Not To Be Messed With

We all love our dogs very much, and chances are we love our dogs more than our human friends. But no matter how watchful we are over our dogs, there’s always a chance of something unexpected happening.

In this case, that unexpected thing is a small, black and yellow flying thingy that makes buzzing sounds. Puppies and young dogs are intrigued by the movement and the sound, and they love exploring, just like kids.

Sometimes people make jokes that dogs think bees are spicy sky raisins, because sometimes the best thing you can do when it comes to dogs and bees is have a giggle.

That is because dogs explore with their nose and mouth, and that’s not very smart when bees and wasps are involved. We have compiled a list of the cutest photos of dogs who encountered wasps and bees.

We know that it’s not nice to laugh at someone else’s misfortune. But we can’t help it – the dogs and puppies look so adorable despite their shame.

1. "Those Spicy Sky Raisins Get You Every Time"

1. sdeimling

2. "My Friend's Poor Dog Is Allergic To Bees"

2. matts41

3. "My Sister’s Pup Ate A Bee"

3. OpalCardFraud

4. Was it tasty?

4. Was it tasty?frizzaks

5. "Stung By A Wasp. Now She Looks Like Gonzo"

5. adalab

6. "My Pup Ate A Bee. The Poor Little Girl Looked Like A Squirrel"

6. epicatif

7. Poor Chihuahua

7. Poor ChihuahuaSamuraiJakkass86

8. "Someone Ate A Bee (Before And After The Vet)"

8. rwestonr

9. "Curious Lacey With A Bee-Stung Face"

9. erin_leighh

10. "This Is Sonja. In Her Defense, Nobody Explicitly Told Her Bees Aren’t Snacks. 13/10 Would Boop But Gently"

10. dog_rates

11. "He’s Such A Special Boy That He Only Just Realized He’s In The Vets Office When I Took This Pic"

11. AlwaysTwisting

12. "My 8-Month-Old Boxer Puppy, Duke, Got Stung By A Wasp Yesterday. He Looked Like A Cartoon"

12. WTFItsCiaran

13. "Barney Bit A Bee. The Bee Won"

13. GlimmeringJem

14. "My Dog Got Stung On Her Head. Now She Has Forest Whitaker Eye"

14. kylec00per

15. "Zoe Ate A Wasp"

15. Dupree878

16. Repeat after me: bees are not food

16. Repeat after me: bees are not food

17. "My Dog Got Stung By A Bee"

17. bounty10

18. "Rocky Ate A Bee To Celebrate National Dog Day"

18. radiocleve

19. "My Dog Decided To Eat A Bee"

19. Primextime92

20. "Today Leha Got Stung By A Wasp. We Are So Sad But She Is Getting Better"

20. kiba.leha

21. "My Dog Decided To Fight Some Bees"

21. ykr3Bz

22. "My Puppy Ate A Bee Today"

22. 20yearoldwinemum

23. "My Pibble Getting A Shot After Trying To Eat A Bee"

23. NorCalJustice

24. "Poor Good Boy Got Defeated By A Hive Of Bees"

24. Polar0930


25. roosking

26. "Mickey The Dachshund Ate A Bee"

26. bulletben7

27. "My Chihuahua Ate A Wasp"

27. Mayinator

28. "When My Puppy Ate A Wasp"

28. fulfordo

29. "Shibeebe"

29. MrToastBoy

30. "My Puppy Learned About Bees The Hard Way This Weekend"

30. jarza911

31. "Poor Dexter"

31. its_you_notme

32. Look at those sad eyes…

32. Look at those sad eyes…elJammo

33. "Our Goldie Rosie Stepped On A Wasp"

33. pilkodice


34. Guyomalo

35. happy.

35. happy.Jmunnny

36. "First Timer. Meet Roux And His Fat Balloon Head"

36. LizMiss

37. "He Found A Spicy Fly While The Other Dog Just Slept Through It"


38. Poor thing

38. Poor thingPrincessAryll

39. "Best Wishes From This Bee Eater"

39. arrrkelli

40. "My Dog Got In A Fight With A Bee, And Lost"

40. psycho5omatic

41. "My Friends' Dog Ate A Bee"

41. skyline_kid

42. Not happy

42. Not happyXanadu376

43. "Ate A Bee"

43. Z3R3P

44. "Winnie Poo Still Wondering Why The Bee Didn’t Want To Play .."

44. plantbasedbri

45. "Plump Weiner"


If you notice your dog is having a hard time breathing, has a swollen throat and mouth, or has fainted, you should immediately contact your vet! This is a medical emergency and should be treated as such. Better safe than sorry.

Blue Cross emphasizes that some pooches can be allergic to wasp and bee stings, and their owners should keep an eye for indications of an allergic reaction, swelling, and difficulty breathing being the most obvious. If an insect somehow finds its way inside your dog's mouth, there's an increased danger of swelling that can block the airways.

Don't try to give your pooch antihistamines intended for humans without checking with your vet. Some human medications can make the situation worse.

Most insect stings will cause pain or irritation, but too many stings can even cause death. If you see that you have the situation under control, you can try scraping or pulling out the sting with something flat like a credit card.

Do not squeeze the sting because that might actually push more poison into the wound. After that, clean the affected area with water and apply ice.

46. "So, My Silly Dog Ate A Bee"

46. __emily.may__

47. "Baby's First Bee Sting"

47. stfaulk90

48. "Murph Got Himself Stung By A Bee"

48. willystyles

49. "Poor Puppy "

49. iBleeedorange