Dog Owner Laughs After His Large Pupp Ruins The Doggy Door He Warned His Mom Was Too Small
"Should have filmed it because it sounds hilarious"
- Published in Animal Stories
Puppies are a lot of work, any pet owner will tell you that. They are also adorable little balls of energy that will wreak havoc in your home.
They will 100% ruin at least one or two of your possessions. It's not because they are taking a stand against materialism, they are just puppies who have sharp teeth and way too much energy.
But there are some apparent accidents that cannot be blamed on the puppy. If you left your charging cable on the floor and your puppy got to it, that's on you.
If you buy a tiny doggy door for a puppy you know will grow and he ends up ruining it, that's also on you. That oddly specific example is the focus of this Reddit post.
OP has a 9-month-old puppy of an indiscernible breed. He is a pretty big puppy according to OP and since they have no clue what breed he is, they don't know just how large he'll become.
OP and his pup currently live with his mom and her two tiny dogs. They have a sliding back door with a makeshift doggy door cut out for the dogs to use.
His mom was planning to get an actual doggy door and showed what she liked to OP. He said that the door was too small and they should split the cost of the bigger one.
She was adamant that it was the perfect size despite OP saying that his dog will definitely destroy it. She brushed off every warning that OP said and bought the small doggy door anyway.
The tiny door has been installed for a week now and all the dogs have run into it
u/ThrowRADoggyDoorWhen it was the large puppy that ran into it, the door fell apart... exactly what OP said would happen
u/ThrowRADoggyDoorWhen his mom complained to him, OP just laughed at her in a "I told you so" kind of way and it pissed off her mom. Was OP wrong for laughing at her?
u/ThrowRADoggyDoorShe will also pay the price of a new and bigger doggy door
Church_45What was she planning to do, wait until the puppy grows to its full size and buy an appropriately-sized doggy door? She must have known this will happen before that.
LJ_in_NYA lot of people do say that common sense is not that common after all
ZaavansMomIt seems she has a talent for ignoring OP, ignoring his laughter at her expense should be no problem
igiiaLaughing at other people's misery is not really a great hobby but OP gets a pass for this
imothroI have a feeling that OP putting up an Oscar-worthy performance would have pissed off his mom just the same if not more
Technical_Pumpkin_65They should be grateful the pup didn't go full Hulk on the doggy door
Critical-Joke-597Laughing at his mom wasn't the kindest thing to do but it's not really enough to make OP a huge jerk
christina0001I pictured OP's big lumbering dog running at full speed towards the door with the two tiny dogs behind him and they all piled like pancakes once they hit it
Narrow-Ad-6338Well, this was an interesting and funny story. The bottom line is - puppies grow. Make doors for the size they will reach, not their current size.
OP's mom will eventually get over her annoyance with him. She will, however, have to purchase a larger doggy door — one that the giant puppy can fit into.