Dog Rides The Bus Every Day All By Herself With Her Own Bus Pass Attached To Her Collar

Her name is Eclipse, and this sweet doggo has been busy making people happy everywhere she goes.

Dog Rides The Bus Every Day All By Herself With Her Own Bus Pass Attached To Her Collar

If you're from Seattle and you happen to ride the bus for your morning commute, you may just be lucky enough to travel with one of the most adorable passengers you will ever meet!

Her name is Eclipse, and this sweet doggo has been busy making people happy everywhere she goes.

You see, Eclipse is not only extremely friendly and adorable. She is also one very independent canine. So much so, Eclipse takes herself to the dog park every day - on the bus!

“Every day she leaves her house by herself and takes the bus downtown to the dog park where she spends a couple of hours getting exercise and making friends, and then she takes the bus back home again,” one Seattle woman posted on Facebook.

People love Eclipse, and she is well known in her hometown for being so independent.

“It started when her owner, Jeff Young, was taking too long when the bus arrived so she impatiently ran ahead and got on the bus by herself. The bus driver recognized her and dropped her off at the dog park, and later Jeff caught up with her."

"After several more trips by herself, Jeff started letting her go on her own, and she always comes back home a couple of hours later.”

People love Eclipse, and she is well known in her hometown for being so independent.Eclipse Seattle’s Bus Riding Dog

The bus drivers know Eclipse very well, and are happy to have her on board.

The bus drivers know Eclipse very well, and are happy to have her on board.Eclipse Seattle’s Bus Riding Dog

“She makes them smile,” Robbie Lauren wrote. “Many of the regular passengers enjoy seeing her every day and will often sit down next to her.”

“She makes them smile,” Robbie Lauren wrote. “Many of the regular passengers enjoy seeing her every day and will often sit down next to her.”Eclipse Seattle’s Bus Riding Dog

"She even has her own bus pass attached to the collar.”

“Even the police have given their approval as long as the bus drivers are okay with the arrangement.” 

Eclipse Seattle’s Bus Riding Dog

Eclipse also has her very own Facebook page called 'Eclipse Seattle’s Bus Riding Dog,' where she has over 44,000 followers!

Eclipse also has her very own Facebook page called 'Eclipse Seattle’s Bus Riding Dog,' where she has over 44,000 followers!Eclipse Seattle’s Bus Riding Dog

Here's how much people love her.

Here's how much people love her.