Person Who Au-Pairs For A Family Was Told To Pick Up Dog Poop By The Child And Wants To Know If It's Wrong To Assume This Isn't Part Of Her Job
Au-pairing is a hard job in itself, but having to figure out what exactly falls within the job role can be difficult.
- Published in Interesting
We're back today with another Reddit post that was submitted on the AITA thread, trying to get information on whether or not they are wrong in a situation. We like to cover these posts quite often, so if you've been here before then, you've probably seen them.
They get a lot of attention and ultimately are pretty entertaining to read for everyone, so we like to share them. We will go in-depth into the details of the full original post, and then we will take a look at some of the best comments that were submitted to the post as well.
Today we are diving into a post that was submitted by someone who is au-pairing for a family and is being told to pick up dog poop, but she feels like it isn't part of her job description but is a little nervous to ask the parents if it is expected of her.
People in the comments had a few questions for OP, and there were a lot of comments telling her just to ask because it won't hurt anything. Let's just dive in and check out the full post and story, plus all of the best comments on it.
OP starts off by saying that she's just recently au-pairing for a while now and just started working for a new family.
u/ZeeziltheSlothShe says that the daughter came up to her and told her that they both had to clean up dog poop. but OP thinks that's not part of her job description.
u/ZeeziltheSlothShe said that it happened multiple times and that she has to pick it up even though the son doesn't have to.
u/ZeeziltheSlothShe wants to bring it up to the mom but doesn't know if that is rude or not in case it is part of her job and she comes off bad.
u/ZeeziltheSlothComments were saying that the kid is probably playing her and that something similar happened with her so she should ask the parents.
pudge-thefishPicking up dog poop while you're on a walk is known, but cleaning the whole yard most definitely isn't her job.
daisygirl0913This is a good point because we are sure that the parents would ask her to pick it up and not tell the kid to tell her.
SmutDadThis is a good comment we wanted to include that helps to explain a bit more about the job requirements when it was discussed with the parents.
RedditThis is another good comment that has a little more information on the situation and what she was talking about in her post.
WantonChrysanthemumWe really feel like we have to agree with everyone that OP is NTA and that she should just ask the parents and let them know what their child has been doing. If it's been discussed what the requirements were in terms of the dog, then there shouldn't be an argument of what is expected.
What do you think about this whole situation and what people commented?