Redditor Asks If It’s Okay To Let Their Dog Pee Anywhere Where There’s Grass - Because Their Neighbors Don’t Think So
" I always clean up after my dog, I never leave droppings behind."
- Published in Interesting
Dog owners should always be mindful of their pet's presence while they are out on a walk and clean up after them when necessary. Dog waste is unsightly and can spread disease, and it is the owner's responsibility to ensure that their dog's mess is dealt with properly.
The easiest way to clean up after a dog is to carry a few plastic bags with you on the walk. When your dog goes to the bathroom, simply pick up the waste with the bag and seal it tightly.
Be sure to dispose of the bag in a proper waste bin and not just leave it on the side of the road. But what about dog peeing?
You can't really pick that up, right? So, the best thing is not to let the dog pee on the sidewalk but find a grassy area.
One Redditor shared their problem. They ask: "AITA for letting my dog pee outside in any area that is grassy?"
They live in an apartment building with a lot of elderly people. OP always cleans number twos after their dog but lets it pee on the grass in front of the building.
The dog doesn't do its business inside, so it relives itself as soon as they walk out of the building. One nosy neighbor saw the dog peeing and started yelling at OP.
They are going to try to make the dog wait until they get to the dog park but ask if they are a-hole here.
OP asks:
RedditThey live in apartment building with a lot of elderly people
RedditOP always cleans number twos after their dog, but lets it pee on the grass in front of the building
RedditThe dog doesn't do its business inside, so it relives itself as soon as they walk out of the building
RedditOne nosy neighbor saw the dog peeing and started yelling at OP
RedditOP is going to try to make the dog wait until they get to the dog park, but asks if they are a-hole here
RedditOP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:
Reddit"Dogs have to pee"
Reddit"That old lady needs a hobby"
RedditDog can go anywhere as long as the owner cleans it up...
RedditOP said:
Reddit"Lord help you"
RedditOne Redditor needed more info:
RedditOP responded:
RedditHard enough...
RedditNot her grass...
RedditSound like a plan:
RedditRedditors agree:
RedditOP responded:
RedditThe bottom line is:
Reddit"Animals that can wait will..."
Reddit"Might be her only form of entertainment"
RedditNosy neighbors can be a real nuisance when it comes to dogs peeing on the grass. While it is true that dogs should not urinate on someone else's property, it is also true that there are certain steps that can be taken to prevent such a problem from happening in the first place.
Some of these steps include teaching your dog to use the bathroom in designated areas, cleaning up after them each time they go, and using natural repellants to encourage them to avoid certain areas. However, in this case, OP is right.
Their neighbor doesn't live anywhere near the area where the dog pees, so it is not the neighbor's problem. She is just being nosy and trying to find something to complain and fight about.