Dog Guards Family's Bread Whenever They Leave The House Because She Thinks It's Their Favorite Thing

"I assume she thinks it's the most important thing to us because we use it so often."

  • Published in Animals
Dog Guards Family's Bread Whenever They Leave The House Because She Thinks It's Their Favorite Thing

We love dogs. After all, dogs are man's best friend for a reason. Some dogs have special talents. Some dogs can do tricks. And some dogs are particularly good guard dogs.

Gorgeous girl, Jakey, is the perfect example. But, while most dogs stand guard over their house and family, this 6-year-old Rottweiler has been using her skills to keep watch over something a little more unusual.

Jakey guards the family's bread.

“She started this four years ago when we moved to our farm,” Katrina Frank, the peculiar dog’s mama said. “Every time we would leave, she would hide the bread.”

Jakey has a great nose, even or a dog, and can sniff out the plastic-wrapped baked goods as soon as her family leaves the house.

“We have a bread box, so she likes to hop up and pull it out of there,” Frank said. “If I leave it in the pantry instead, she nudges the door open and gets it out. I've put it in the refrigerator before, and she has opened the door to get to it.”

But Jakey has impeccable self-control, and in all her years guarding bread, she has never taken even one bite.

“She likes to put it behind the couch and lay by it. Otherwise, (she puts it in) the closet in my bedroom,” Frank said.

“I assume she thinks it's the most important thing to us because we use it so often.”

But Jakey has impeccable self-control, and in all her years guarding bread, she has never taken even one bite.

As soon as Katrina gets home, Jakey proudly leads her straight to the bread.

“I've always been like, ‘Oh, that's Jake being Jake,’” Frank said. If her family runs out of bread, Jakey doesn’t let that stop her from doing her job. “If I'm out of bread, she moves on to baked goods,” Frank said.

“Once she took a Tupperware of cookies off the counter and hid all 17 individually without breaking any. She led me to all of them.”

As soon as Katrina gets home, Jakey proudly leads her straight to the bread.

So, what does Jakey do when the family is out of bread?

She minds the butter, of course!

So, what does Jakey do when the family is out of bread?