Woman's Dog Destroys Best Friend's Shoes Then She Refuses To Replace Them

Was the best friend wrong to leave her shoes on the floor?

Woman's Dog Destroys Best Friend's Shoes Then She Refuses To Replace Them

Being right about something feels so darn good, but when the repercussion of the person's failure to heed your warning also puts you in a tight spot, the sweet feeling of "I told you so" quickly evaporates.

This was the situation PrincessChunny, a Reddit user, found herself in when her dog ate her friend's shoe after warning her friend severally to always keep her shoe out of the dog's reach. Narrating the incident on the AITA subreddit community, PrincessChunny said her rescue dog had a habit of destroying shoes and was still being trained.

Whenever her friend comes over, she often tells her to put her shoes on the shelf with the other shoes so that her dog won't destroy them. Sometimes, the friend heeds the advice.

Other times, she doesn't, leaving PrincessChunny to put them on the shelf for her. On this occasion, both friends went out for a night out, and when they got back, PrincessChunny reminded her friend about putting the shoes away before going to bed.

The next morning, PrincessChunny woke up to her friend screaming and crying that the dog chewed her £120 shoe. The friend wants PrincessChunny to replace the shoe, but PrincessChunny doesn't want to since she warned her friend.

Is PrincessChunny an asshole for refusing to replace the shoe? Below are what members of the AITA subreddit community have to say on the matter.

Here's how it started...

Here's how it started...u/PrincessChunny

Should she have replaced them? Reddit responds.

Should she have replaced them? Reddit responds.u/PrincessChunny

1. Her friend should bear the brunt for refusing to listen.

1. Her friend should bear the brunt for refusing to listen.u/PrincessChunny

2. Her friend should know better to keep her shoes safe since she visits frequently.

2. Her friend should know better to keep her shoes safe since she visits frequently.u/PrincessChunny

3. Her friend's reckless action destroyed the shoes.

3. Her friend's reckless action destroyed the shoes.u/PrincessChunny

4. The friend is at fault because she knew how to prevent the situation but didn't.

4. The friend is at fault because she knew how to prevent the situation but didn't.u/PrincessChunny

5. Her friend won't repeat the mistake.

5. Her friend won't repeat the mistake.u/PrincessChunny

6. Her friend should have been extra cautious of taking care of her expensive shoes.

6. Her friend should have been extra cautious of taking care of her expensive shoes.u/PrincessChunny

7. Actions have consequences.

7. Actions have consequences.u/PrincessChunny

8. It would have been different if her friend didn't know the dog has a habit of damaging shoes.

8. It would have been different if her friend didn't know the dog has a habit of damaging shoes.u/PrincessChunny

9. She's the host. She should have kept the shoes away from the dog.

9. She's the host. She should have kept the shoes away from the dog.u/PrincessChunny

10. It's her dog, so she's at fault.

10. It's her dog, so she's at fault.u/PrincessChunny

11. She should replace it because she failed to train her dog.

11. She should replace it because she failed to train her dog.u/PrincessChunny

12. She's responsible for whatever her dog does.

12. She's responsible for whatever her dog does.u/PrincessChunny

13. She should fix her dog's dangerous chewing habit and stop blaming her friend.

13. She should fix her dog's dangerous chewing habit and stop blaming her friend.u/PrincessChunny

14. Her friend chose not to follow the rules even though she knew them.

14. Her friend chose not to follow the rules even though she knew them.u/PrincessChunny

15. You're supposed to take extra precautions with a £120 shoe.

15. You're supposed to take extra precautions with a £120 shoe.u/PrincessChunny

16. Her friend is at fault for ignoring a simple instruction.

16. Her friend is at fault for ignoring a simple instruction.u/PrincessChunny

17. Now, her friend would remember to follow the rules next time.

17. Now, her friend would remember to follow the rules next time.u/PrincessChunny

18. It doesn't matter whether her friend is at fault. It's her dog.

18. It doesn't matter whether her friend is at fault. It's her dog.u/PrincessChunny

19. When you refuse to obey warnings, whatever happens to you is your fault.

19. When you refuse to obey warnings, whatever happens to you is your fault.u/PrincessChunny

20. The friend is at fault because she was warned severally.

20. The friend is at fault because she was warned severally.u/PrincessChunny

21. Training dogs takes time. Her friend should have heeded her warnings.

21. Training dogs takes time. Her friend should have heeded her warnings.u/PrincessChunny

22. The dog's owner is morally and legally responsible for the dog's behavior.

22. The dog's owner is morally and legally responsible for the dog's behavior.u/PrincessChunny

What Do You Think?

PrincessChunny took precautions to prevent the situation from happening. She had warned her friend multiple times in the past, and even the night it happened.

She's also getting her dog trained, which would take some time before the results manifest. With these in mind, we can safely say her friend is at fault.

It's up to PrincessChunny to decide whether she wants to replace the shoe or not.

What do you think?
