Cousins Fight Over Who Gets To Keep The Name Isabella - The Newborn Baby, Or The Two-Year-Old Dog

"It's funny because i stole the name from twilight"

  • Published in Animals
Cousins Fight Over Who Gets To Keep The Name Isabella - The Newborn Baby, Or The Two-Year-Old Dog

Baby name books exist because parents know how crucial it is to give their kids the right name. A name that is memorable but not too unique that it causes ridicule.

Parents these days do not really adhere to this line of thinking. Some parents believe that the more unique a name is, the better it is.

Even rich and powerful people (see, Elon Musk) are not immune from ridicule when they choose to give their kids too unique a name. If you are a common person, like we are, your family will surely give you their opinion when you pick a name for your baby and even your pets.

A fight is brewing in this family over a "stolen" name. They aren't your typical family fighting over properties and riches; instead, they are fighting over who can keep the name — the dog or the baby.

No objections were raised when OP named her dog Isabella, or Bella, for short when she got her two years ago. Most members of her family have met Bella once or twice during family events.

One of OP's distant cousins recently announced the birth of her baby girl. She chose to name her kid Isabella, Bella for short, knowing for a fact that OP has a dog of the same name.

This cousin told OP she has to change her dog's name and it wasn't okay that she named her dog after her baby. OP reminded her that her Golden Retriever dog has been with her for two years and she has been Isabella long before this baby was born.

She told OP that it was a waste to use the name Isabella on a mutt. She has been spreading rumors to the rest of their family that OP was the one to steal the name.

OP's original Reddit post can be read below:

OP's original Reddit post can be read below:u/PrestigiousBridge309

It's pretty obvious that she didn't steal the name from her cousin but is she at fault for refusing to change her dog's name?

It's pretty obvious that she didn't steal the name from her cousin but is she at fault for refusing to change her dog's name?u/PrestigiousBridge309

OP's mom sides with her. What do you think?

OP's mom sides with her. What do you think?u/PrestigiousBridge309

OP's cousin should email the author of Twilight and demand that she change the name of her character because she stole it from her newborn baby

OP's cousin should email the author of Twilight and demand that she change the name of her character because she stole it from her newborn baby[deleted], PrestigiousBridge309

Redditors have very interesting suggestions how OP's family can distinguish dog Isabella from human Isabella

Redditors have very interesting suggestions how OP's family can distinguish dog Isabella from human IsabellaBarbarianDiva, latents

The baby will soon be ready to rule her own magical kingdom with a name and title like this

The baby will soon be ready to rule her own magical kingdom with a name and title like thisHonuswimspeace, ohdearitsrichardiii

This is how you handle things like an adult. Human Titania is obviously an understanding and mature person unlike OP's cousin.

This is how you handle things like an adult. Human Titania is obviously an understanding and mature person unlike OP's cousin.TitaniaT-Rex

OP's cousin will have a lot more people to accuse of theft once human Isabella starts going to school

OP's cousin will have a lot more people to accuse of theft once human Isabella starts going to schoolSnakeJG

Isabella with the tail also has a caring person looking after her while human Isabella has to deal with her mom her whole life

Isabella with the tail also has a caring person looking after her while human Isabella has to deal with her mom her whole lifeTypical-Garlic-7308, unionmom4

Drop the mic, please!

Drop the mic, please!GreenHedgehog2

After being accused of something so ridiculous, OP has earned the right to call her cousin out in front of all the members of their family

After being accused of something so ridiculous, OP has earned the right to call her cousin out in front of all the members of their familykab200

OP can keep her distance from the people who will side with her cousin, so two birds, one stone

OP can keep her distance from the people who will side with her cousin, so two birds, one stoneJolly-Bandicoot7162

We would have understood why the cousin has a lot of feelings about her daughter's name if 'Isabella' had a sentimental meaning for her. However, she just doesn't want her daughter to share a name with a dog.

If that was really what she wanted, she shouldn't have named her daughter after OP's Golden Retriever dog. Isabella with a tail has been with OP for two years, human Isabella was just born; if anyone stole the name, it isn't OP.
