Smart Dog Snatches A Giant Bone From A Pet Store

A criminal mastermind….

  • Published in Animals
Smart Dog Snatches A Giant Bone From A Pet Store

The Agroveterinaria Los Paisas, a pet store and vet clinic in Andalucia, Colombia, was recently a stage of an elaborate and absolutely adorable crime. That day started off quite as usual for Victoria Andrea Viviana, the vet clinic’s employee.

She was working in the pet shop, busy helping customers when a certain “criminal” walked in looking to take advantage of her distraction. It was a dog. But not just any ordinary neighborhood pooch. No, this dog was a criminal mastermind. He took advantage of the fact that no one noticed him, snuck behind the counter, and got a giant bone.

Victoria Andrea Viviana

The dog was, however, detected when he tried to escape with his loot.

"I was surprised by the cunning with which the dog took the bone," Viviana says. "One of our clients wanted to stop him, but he was very agile."

Even though the dog managed to elude the posse, he was soon apprehended. He was brought in by no other than his mom.


"The woman who owns the dog came in to pay for the bone he stole, but we obviously didn't take her money," Vivian says. "It is something that happened unexpectedly, and the dog was able to amuse many people who watched the video."

Victoria Andrea Viviana

The whole event caused no hard feelings and a lot of laughs.

"The dog will always be welcome here," Vivian added, "as well as any other animal who wants to visit."
