Artists Disneyfies Pet Photographs People Send Him And Here Are 30 Of The Best Ones

Isa Bredt, a 23-year-old illustrator from the Netherlands, is a miracle worker

  • Published in Disney
Artists Disneyfies Pet Photographs People Send Him And Here Are 30 Of The Best Ones

Disney movies and their wonderful heroes are an integral part of our childhoods and had an enormous influence on all of us. Hell, they still do…

They've taught us how to be loving, generous, and brave. They've also taught us never to give up, and that good will always triumph over evil. It may take a while, but it always does eventually.

So, it is no wonder that so many people wish to see their favorite furry friends as colorful animated creatures. Isa Bredt is a 23-year-old illustrator from the Netherlands, and she is the person behind the famous Instagram account called "Pet Disneyfication."

"Disneyfication" is a term that's been used by sociologists to describe the transformation of things in our environment to resemble the Disney themes and characters. In this case, it's our beloved pets, and it's truly charming.

Isa began transforming pictures of people's pets into Disneyesque illustrations in 2014, and she is amazing. She creates works of art that can melt hearts.

“In my portraits, I try to capture an animal’s spirit, with the twist that they look like they could star in their very own animated movie,” she says.

We have collected 30 of her best illustrations, and we know you are going to love them - Disney fan or not. Take a look:

1. Tyson

1. Tysonpet_disneyfication

2. This is Nellie

2. This is Nelliepet_disneyfication

3. Rest in peace, Merrybelle

3. Rest in peace, Merrybellepet_disneyfication

4. Albert

4. Albertpet_disneyfication

5. This is Zena

5. This is Zenapet_disneyfication

6. Kitten

6. Kittenpet_disneyfication

7. Diddy

7. Diddypet_disneyfication

8. "This is Willow"

8. pet_disneyfication

9. June and Millie

9. June and Milliepet_disneyfication

10. Momo/Georgie

10. Momo/Georgiepet_disneyfication

11. Mishka Tamale is a special needs kitten...

11. Mishka Tamale is a special needs kitten...pet_disneyfication

12. Aoife

12. Aoifepet_disneyfication

13. Herman and Fin

13. Herman and Finpet_disneyfication

14. "Logan... Rest in peace lil’ tiger"

14. pet_disneyfication

15. Winnie the Cocker Spaniel

15. Winnie the Cocker Spanielpet_disneyfication

16. Sandy

16. Sandypet_disneyfication

17. Pinocchio

17. Pinocchiopet_disneyfication

18. Clara and baby

18. Clara and babypet_disneyfication

19. Congrats to Beth

19. Congrats to Bethpet_disneyfication

20. Buba

20. Bubapet_disneyfication

Her work is admired by many: “People are so sweet! Especially if I’ve made a portrait of a pet that has unfortunately passed away, people send me the kindest messages, saying that the drawing brought tears to their eyes. Or that it helped them heal because pictures of their pet made them cry, but the portrait made them smile.”

21. Josh

21. Joshpet_disneyfication

22. "Welcome Home Wednesday"

22. pet_disneyfication

23. Wilfred

23. Wilfredpet_disneyfication

Isa started drawing very young and shared her first work on Reddit when she was 16. After that, the project grew really quickly. ​​“Looking at all the pictures, finding things that make an animal special, and then making the initial sketch. I love analyzing what features are unique to the pet that I’m drawing.”

24. "Delta is a foster kitten that came in missing 2/3 of his eyelids"

24. pet_disneyfication

25. Dora

25. Dorapet_disneyfication

26. Maleficent

26. Maleficentpet_disneyfication

27. Elmwood the baby

27. Elmwood the babypet_disneyfication

28. Noah and Lincoln

28. Noah and Lincolnpet_disneyfication

29. "This handsome pirate is called Ford"

29. pet_disneyfication

30. Watson and Kiko

30. Watson and Kikopet_disneyfication

Isa often draws animals from shelters. It is her way to help them get adopted.

“I think it was while I was browsing a shelter site (the site where I adopted my cats from), and I wished I could help the animals that had been in the shelter the longest, somehow,” she says.

“But it is also possible one of my followers recommended it one time, and I’m just taking unjust credit, haha! Either way, I wanted to do something to help.”
