When Disney Royalty Meets Superhero Might: Transforming 15 Princesses Into Marvel Or DC Icons

Prepare to be amazed as fantasy meets superheroics in this epic crossover!" Introduction

  • Published in Disney
When Disney Royalty Meets Superhero Might: Transforming 15 Princesses Into Marvel Or DC Icons

Enter a realm where the magic of Disney collides with the might of Marvel and DC, as we reimagine 15 beloved princesses as iconic comic book heroes. From wielding superpowers to donning legendary costumes, these royal figures undergo an electrifying transformation that blurs the boundaries between fantasy and reality.

Join us on an extraordinary journey as we unveil what happens when Disney's finest embrace their inner superheroes and embark on thrilling adventures beyond imagination.

1. Belle — Iron Man

1. Belle — Iron Man

2. Rapunzel — Superman

2. Rapunzel — Superman

3. Pocahontas — Wolverine

3. Pocahontas — Wolverine

4. Jasmine — Batman

4. Jasmine — Batman

5. Mulan — Gamora

5. Mulan — Gamora

6. Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) — Captain America

6. Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) — Captain America

7. Moana — Aquaman

7.  Moana — Aquaman

8. Vanellope von Schweetz — Black Widow

8. Vanellope von Schweetz — Black Widow

9. Merida — The Hulk

9.  Merida — The Hulk

10. Snow White — Loki

10. Snow White — Loki

11. Cinderella — Wonder Woman

11. Cinderella — Wonder Woman

12. Anna — Wasp

12. Anna — Wasp

13. Elsa — Thor

13. Elsa — Thor

14. Ariel — Jean Grey from X-Men

14. Ariel — Jean Grey from X-Men

15. Tiana — Storm

15. Tiana — Storm