9 Spectacular Transformation Genderbend Illustrations of Famous Disney Princesses

What an amazing transformation!

  • Published in Disney
9 Spectacular Transformation Genderbend Illustrations of Famous Disney Princesses

This amazing artist, etcetera.art, from Canada, has made spectacular fan art of Disney princesses. What a transformation!

He has actually gender-swapped them and transformed the famous Disney princesses into the present-day modern princes. It sure is a treat for Disney fans.

The artist hails from Toronto, Canada. He likes to call himself Tec.

He is a college student and freelances as a digital illustrator. To show your appreciation, you can check out the artist's Instagram or his website.

1. Elsa

1. Elsaetcetera.art

2. Belle

2. Belleetcetera.art

3. Merida

3. Meridaetcetera.art

4. Vanellope

4. Vanellopeetcetera.art

5. Moana

5. Moanaetcetera.art

6. Mulan

6. Mulanetcetera.art

7. Pocahontas

7. Pocahontasetcetera.art

8. Esmeralda

8. Esmeraldaetcetera.art

9. Tiana

9. Tianaetcetera.art