Artist Reimagines 11 Disney Princesses As Villains In Their Own Stories

A website that depicts princesses transformed into villains.

Artist Reimagines 11 Disney Princesses As Villains In Their Own Stories

A great artist has come up with a fun idea: what if our favorite princesses were the bad guys in their stories? Take Snow White, for example. Imagine her becoming obsessed with staying the most beautiful and using magic to keep it that way.

Instead of the sweet girl we all know, she turns a bit mean. The photo the photographer re-imagines shows her looking sneaky and pleased with herself, a total change from the Snow White we remember.

Then there's Ariel, the mermaid princess. What if her wish to be on land made her decide to take over the sea and land, kicking her dad off the throne? The picture shows her looking super ambitious and proud, sitting there like she owns everything.

Cinderella’s story gets a twist, too. Fed up with cleaning and being treated badly, she uses her magical glass slipper to take control and becomes the boss, ruling everyone else. In her photo, Cinderella looks powerful and a bit scary, enjoying her power way too much, especially at midnight when her magic gets even stronger.

The photographer didn't just take these cool photos; he also made up stories to go with them, showing how these princesses turned into the villains of their tales. It’s all about what happens when they go after what they want, no matter what.

This project shakes up the fairy tales we all know and asks us to think twice about who's good and who's bad.

1. Evil Princess Cinderella

1. Evil Princess CinderellaKasami-Sensei

2. Jasmine From Aladdin

"When Genie Jafar's lamp appears, Jasmine thinks of a way to stop him by commanding Genie(as a master beside Aladdin and Jafar finished his wishes)to give her power to stop Jafar. Genie complies despite Aladdin urging her to stand down. Genie fires magic at her to make her a magical being to stop Jafar but Jafar gets wind of this and before he's shackled as an imprisoned genie, he fires his own genie power at her. The mixing of both genie powers results her in being a very powerful magical being bend on destruction and domination.

She takes Jafar's lamp and commands him as her genie slave. She summons a snake staff out of thin air and strikes Iago who tries to flee, and becomes a blood berserk parrot with fangs. She no longer was Jasmine the princess with whom Aladdin fell in love with, but a dark evil version of Jasmine who commands Iago to injure Aladdin. Aladdin uses his last wish to get Genie to change her back but he can't since it took two genies that made her what she is now. Instead he flees with Genie, Abu and Carpet and vowes to change her back."

2. Jasmine From AladdinKasami-Sensei

3. Belle From Beauty And The Beast

3. Belle From Beauty And The BeastKasami-Sensei

4. Ariel From The Little Mermaid

"What if Ariel Stole Ursulas Powers"

4. Ariel From The Little MermaidKasami-Sensei

5. Princess Jane

"The story around this version of Jane is pretty simple. After Jane takes the drawing back from the baby baboon, its entire family begins to chase Jane. However, Tarzan isn't there to grab Jane when she jumps the cliff. She grabs onto the vines on the other side of the cliff wall and the baby baboon jumps on her to take the picture back.

The vine breaks, and Jane and the baby baboon fall into the rushing water below which leads to an underground river. Both Jane and the baboon black out. Later, Jane awakes on the bank of a small lake deep in the jungle. The underground river apparently led her to this hidden location. She begins to inspect the area and notices the little baboon.

She picks him up begins to trek through the jungle to try and find her father's camp, but in doing so, she becomes hopelessly lost. Only having each other, Jane and the baby baboon must learn to survive in this dangerous place...and they apparently do hehe"

5. Princess JaneKasami-Sensei

6. Nani From Lilo And Stitch

 "When Lilo is accidentally kidnapped by Gantu, Nani discovers with horror Stitch, this twisted dog, is actually an alien. Suddenly she is stunned by Jumba, he had to plan from the beginning to capture Stitch and continue his evil experiments, so they both disappear aboard the red starship in the faraway galaxy.

Upon awakening Nani discovers the strange Pleakley with Cobra Bubles, the latter tells her he is a CIA agent and they do many searches with the Galactic Federation to find Lilo but unfortunately she is untraceable, Gantu has fled.

Nani is stunned and lost but after thinking she decided to work for the CIA, she learns to fight and weapons handling. Then she was sent as a spy in the alien galaxy. Over there she pretends to be a bounty hunter, so she frequents bandits and smugglers every day. She hopes one day to trace the mad scientist Dr. Jumba Jookiba and his monstrous creatures but above all she hopes see again his little sister dear Lilo."

6. Nani From Lilo And StitchKasami-Sensei

7. Kida From Atlantis: The Lost Empire

"When becoming one with the kings of old Atlantis, Kida also had the mind of a power-obsessed king and that one wanted to rule Atlantis and the world since the Atlanteans are superior in almost every way. The king knew Kida's weak spot for Milo and killed him without question. The others had a choice, to join or die.

Both wanting money for the killer king Kida, Rourke and Helga wanted to capture her but that backfired and they were turned in crystal minions of Kida and soon the world will fear the return of Atlantis it self."

7. Kida From Atlantis: The Lost EmpireKasami-Sensei

8. Esmeralda From The Hunchback Of Notre Dame

"At the moment of the execution of Esmeralda, Quasimodo didn't get free because he felt too guilty on what he had done. Frollo proceeds to light the wood around Esmeralda she was burned alive.

Phoebus frees himself from his cage and leads a revolt with the other prisoners against the soldiers. Frollo stabs Phoebus in the back, he died immediatly . A figure arose out of the fire. Esmerelda is alive! Frollo rush on her, however, comes Clopin and fled with her in a cloud of smoke.

Since that day Frollo chases and execute all gypsies and leads terror throughout Paris. Quasi still felt guilty, he withdrew into his bell tower forever. Nobody knows what happened to him. Esmeralda, mad of sorrow after these many deaths, decides to learn the secrets of sorcery and the handling of fire nearby Clopin.

His heart blackened by the day. At the end of her painful apprenticeship, she promises to take revenge : she will torture Frollo in the Hellfire."

8. Esmeralda From The Hunchback Of Notre DameKasami-Sensei

9. Megara From Hercules

9. Megara From HerculesKasami-Sensei

10. Snow White From Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs

10. Snow White From Snow White And The Seven DwarfsKasami-Sensei

11. Pocahontas From Pocahontas

" This is what Pocahontas would become if John Smith was killed by Governor Ratcliffe. In a fit of rage , she kills the Governor to avenge John, but she isn't satisfied. So she goes on a killing spree, ending the life of any and all settlers but it doesn't fix her broken heart. I really like this picture. These are definitely getting a lot darker. Hope you guys like.

Oh yeah, I should probably explain why I gave her armor. Well, in the movie when the settlers are gearing up to fight Pocahontas's tribe, Governor Ratcliffe actually puts on a full suit of black armor. In my version, after Pocahontas kills the Governor she takes his yeah...I'm still up in the air on it but it looks cool.

...also, I thought I would mention that Pocahontas used Flit the hummingbird's feathers to decorate her spear and belt. It's kind of hard to tell with the lighting."

11. Pocahontas From PocahontasKasami-Sensei

12. Mulan From Mulan

"Set just after Mulan's gender is discovered due to the injury she received after causing the avalanche to stop the Huns. She feels betrayed when the men that she has been fighting alongside with turn on her, and demand her death.

Even though Shang spares her life, it is with a sneer and contemptment. Reflecting back on her life she realizes that she can never be happy living within the confines of traditional Chinese culture. Before she even left for the army she was going to be married off just for her family honor even though she would be miserable for the rest of her life.

She realizes that she likes fighting, that's she good at it, and it makes her happy and she becomes even more bitter about her treatment. Mushu empathizes with her, telling her about his own treatment by the hands of her ancestors and how he likes traveling with her and the freedom that it brings from his stone prison. The cricket talks about how he never had anyone believe in him like they do and decides to stick with them.

She decides that for the time being she wouldn't go back, but isn't sure what to do. However unbeknownst to Shang and the others, Chi-fu commands some others from the army to sneak back and kill Mulan for the dishonor that she brought to the army. They agree and set off to kill her. When they ambush her, Mulan barely avoids being killed only due to the crickets warning. She kills them, and at first she is in shock that they would do something like that, but it soon turns to bitterment that stews in her heart.

However, not long after, she witnesses the Huns "popping out of the snow like daisies" and slowly the wheel starts to turn. She confronts them and reveals that SHE was "the soldier from the mountains", at first they attack her and she wipes that floor with them. Shan Yu is impressed and he offers her to join them.

Unsure at first, she slowly starts to get to know them and their hardships that pushed them to attack the Emperor. For once feeling accepted for HERself as she agrees to travels with them on their pursuit to take over China.

On the way she wins Hayabusa's (the hawk) loyalty when she saves Shen Yu from danger on their way to the imperial capital. In the eyes of his men, this pretty much makes her his second in command. Which is where this illustration takes place."

12. Mulan From MulanKasami-Sensei

This project is a witty and provocative reinterpretation of the fairy tales we thought we knew, reminding us that every story has more than one side and that even the most seemingly perfect characters can have a shadow side.

It's a compelling invitation to look beyond the surface and question the neat categories of "hero" and "villain" in the stories we love.
