Mother Affected By Corona Virus Makes Disney Wishes Come True For Kids

It's about time we had some positive energy and this Disney princess is bring the world just that!

  • Published in Disney
Mother Affected By Corona Virus Makes Disney Wishes Come True For Kids

Since the world has been turned upside down thanks to Covid-19, it's more important that ever to be spreading any kind of love, positivity, and kindness that we can muster. When her job was compromised thanks to the new quarantine or social distancing rules it was super important for one mother of four to fill not only her new amount of free time, but her goals of making children happy through everyone's love on Disney.

Rachelle Douglas is dressing up as Elsa, from the hit film franchise Frozen to bring smiles to children not only close to home for her, but all over the world!

This is Rachelle Douglas, a 32-year-old mother with 4 kids, whose job is to be a Disney Princess

This wonderful woman has taken to creating memories for children while they're all trying to adjust to the changes that life is bringing us with the Corona virus outbreak. She makes videos to individual children to help them celebrate their birthdays, that might otherwise have been ruined because they can't do what they hoped they could to celebrate.

She dresses up in full costume and makeup, and even puts on a fake American accent instead of her typical Geordie one, to make the effect all the more authentic.

This is Rachelle Douglas, a 32-year-old mother with 4 kids, whose job is to be a Disney Princess

Not only is she doing this amazing job, she's doing it for FREE

"I think I did about 50 videos in the first weekend, recording them over three days and I stayed as Elsa in each one," said Rachelle, "The first night I was up until about 10pm in the costume but the kids are now sending their reactions back, and they make it all worthwhile."

Making kids smile is more than enough payment for her in these times of stress. Before the virus however, Rachelle went from being a stay at home mother to running her own Disney themed business: Make It Magical Entertainment where she specializes in bringing kids dreams to life by bringing a Princess to their parties.

Not only is she doing this amazing job, she's doing it for FREE

She has a team of staff to help her pull off this magic

And honestly, can I have an application? Her employees get to dress as princesses such as Elsa, Jasmine, or Rapunzel, or they might even get the chance to be a superhero like Spiderman or Captain America!

Tell me you wouldn't like the dress as someone from the big screen and have children fall in love with you for a living.

Doing this, she went from stay-at-home mom to earning £100 an hour!

She has a team of staff to help her pull off this magic

However, like many other people right now, Rachelle had to rethink her way of working when Covid-19 struck

"All of my bookings were getting cancelled, so I thought if I couldn't leave the house, I'd do something else and offered them the video message instead." She said, "I did a few private ones, but then extended them to everyone and suddenly they were coming from all over the world - even as far as the Philippines."

Turns out she got a lot more interest than anyone thought possible! It's amazing how many people you can reach out to thanks to the internet.

However, like many other people right now, Rachelle had to rethink her way of working when Covid-19 struck

However, she's not the only one who thought of adding this to her portfolio...

Other business similar to Rachelle's are doing the same kind of video messages instead of face to face meetings. The only difference is that some of them are charging around £20 for a clip as short as 15 seconds.

Not on Rachelle's watch.

"Everyone else is in the same boat at the moment, and most people don't have £20 to spend," she says, is it possible this woman could be an actual Disney Princess?

She continued; "I'm already sat in the house anyway, so why not use that as a chance to make some children happy?"

However, she's not the only one who thought of adding this to her portfolio...

She's made a plan to keep the videos flowing

Rachelle now wants to dedicate a whole day every week to getting dressed up as Elsa in full makeup and costume to film videos that will be sent out for kids.

"I have four kids myself and my little boy can't have a birthday party because of this virus, so I know what other parents are going through," she added. "I'm heartbroken for the children as they can't understand all of this."

"But their faces when they get the message makes it all worthwhile." And after all, isn't that what is most important?

She's made a plan to keep the videos flowing