Frozen 2 Is Out And We Need To Talk About How Amazing Kristoff Is
Is Kristoff the Best Disney prince, ever? Yes.
- Published in Disney
Frozen 2 was both highly anticipated and heavily dreaded, especially if you had a child under 7 when the first one came out (mostly because you've probably heard the song Let It Go more times than you can even conceive humanely possible, but that's neither here nor there.) And while for some strange reason, a ton of controversy surrounded the moments leading up to this amazing sequel's release, people have quickly chimed in to sing its praises. In fact, most people have nothing but awesome things to say about Frozen 2. It's so good.
And one of the biggest stars to come from Frozen 2 is also hugely unexpected: Kristoff. The Internet is officially dubbing him the best Disney prince ever and we simply need to talk about why.
Frozen 2 opened in US theaters on November 22nd.
DisneyKristoff's story arc has left people totally shook with admiration and adoration.
DisneyKristoff's character shows incredible emotional vulnerability that is not often represented enough in media marketed to children, if any media at all.
He sings a ballad about his feelings for her, and then instead of trying to save the day, he asks Anna what she needs and stands with her in battle.
DisneyFans took to Twitter to discuss Kristoff pretty quickly, the impact of his story arc was obvious.
noradominickIn fact, in an interview with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonigt Show, even Kristen Bell herself said that one of her favorite parts of Frozen 2 was Kristoff's character!
NBCIt was a real-life gif reaction moment, y'all.
The world watches in awe as Kristoff becomes one heck of a role model.
maraczksThe Internet has been non-stop appreciating Kristoff ever since they left theaters.
theatlanticaprincessWe needed this.
disneybriniThanks, I love it.
Also, very accurate.
This is a very helpful graph.
tranganhdongAll Star Guy.
BrodyRyanHappy Chris Pratt Noises.
GO take your boys to see Frozen 2.
justlookatthosesausagesA power ballad? Hard agree.
jack_pHe really did it.
patroqlusachillesTHIS comparison? Yes, please.
averagebwaystanFair enough.
missshelbayyI'm here for this.
hereidinathoreauwritesWhat a transformation, right?
pinkslinkyyNope, that's what we're not going to do.
KateElliott41The BEST.
arrivaIgirlG O A L S
mackandmoreThis can be a THING.
mostlychelsWell... I'd consider voting for them.
rachmeetsworldYep, it's official. He's the BEST.
dicksgraysnUGH, I love them.
pinterestHave you seen Frozen 2? What do you think of Kristoff? Let us know in the comments! But don't forget to be mindful of spoilers for fans who haven't had the chance to see this amazing movie yet.