33 Hilariously Adult Observations Of Your Favorite Disney Kids Films
For some of us, it's just nostalgia. For others, it's a chance to get philosophical about Disney stories

It loved Disney as a kid. Everyone did. I thought the movies were awesome and, being born in 1990, I was there for the rise of Disney Pixar.
I saw 'The Lion King' (the first one) at the actual movies. I watched 'A Bugs Life' on DVD (when DVD were new). I saw it all.
Then I grew up, got married, and naturally, I now have Disney+ so that my four year old can enjoy all the films I loved as a kid, and some new ones, too!
Disney+ has basically opened the archives on all the old classics, and people are re-watching films they've not seen in years. As a result, there's been some very adult observations of some of your favourite kids films.
We have compiled the best 33 below. Some of them are seriously funny.
1. Indiana Jones of the future.... get ready.

2. This is so true. What were they thinking?

3. This is true. She doesn't remember the rest at all.

4. Really dumb.

5. Why didn't someone think of this? lol

6. 'Human Trap' is my new thing I'm going to start saying.

7. Junkie.

8. I heard it was totally see-through.

9. .... Don't kink shame.

10. Parenting lessons.

11. They did the very, very best they could.

12. Never thought about this. Now it's ALL I'll ever thinking about.

13. Without question, yes.

14. Rookie Evil Mother.

15. Ursula is the un-sung hero of this film.

16. Facts are facts no? Also... Elsa is a Queen now?

17. I heard she had a hammer-toe.

18. We need a sequel that goes into this!

19. Rookie.

20. Why isn't this discussed in the film????

21. True... and it wouldn't matter AT all.

22. Tell that to my Mickey Mouse Clubhouse obsessed kid.

23. Itty-bitty-titty-committee represent

24. .... Think about it.

25. This makes me love it even more, honestly. True crime lover over here.

26. Marketing 101

27. SEQUEL NOW! #SaveTheTrees

28. This is hilarious!

29. That's what we love about it.

30. Nerds think of everything.

31. .... philosophical.

32. "Things were different back then."

33. I heard they went to TJ Max for most of the stuff.
