47 Of Disney's Characters Step Out In Their Modern Fashion Attire, Which Screams Sophisticated

Illustrator Dave Salamanca made use of characters from Disney to showcase the best modern fashion looks

  • Published in Disney
47 Of Disney's Characters Step Out In Their Modern Fashion Attire, Which Screams Sophisticated

The fashion world evolves everyday, as do the latest trends in street fashion. Dave Salamanca, who is a Colombian illustrator, chose to think out of the box by utilizing Disney characters to exhibit the best design looks out there!

In one of his street fashion series, Dave recreates the universally adored Disney characters with designer wear and embellishments ready to hit Fashion Week in New York! From the beautiful Disney princesses, for example, Aurora, Cinderella, and Snow White, down to villains like Captain Hook, and Hades and Ursula, were all incorporated into his creations.

You can likewise find numerous secondary Disney characters that we as a whole know extremely well from our childhoods—characters like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast, Genie from Aladdin, and Zeus from Hercules. Every one of these Disney characters is wearing fashionable clothing and posing for a pitch-photo photograph on Instagram.

Who might have thought that these characters could fit so well in the modern world?  According to the artist, everything began as a basic interest and when he learnt about the graphic tools prior to starting college in Buenos Aires, he studied graphic design.

Dave loves drawing and he also loves Disney, so he needed to join his two likes some way or another and show a tad bit of what he likes and what he thinks. And here's the moment of truth;

1. Oh, she's slaying

Meet Tiana from the Disney movie, The Princess and the Frog. 

1.  Oh, she's slayingesteesdave

2. Tinkerbell is still tinkling

Here is Tinkerbell from the Disney film "Tinkerbell".

2. Tinkerbell is still tinkling esteesdave

3. Belle and the blues...

Beauty and the Beast presents Belle.

3. Belle and the blues...esteesdave

4. Lovely piece...

Here is Pocahontas from the film, "Pocahontas".

4. Lovely piece...esteesdave

5. Her sauce is dripping!

Meet Mulan from the Disney movie, "Mulan"

5. Her sauce is dripping!esteesdave

6. I see you

The Princess and the Frog presents to you - Naveen

6. I see youesteesdave

7. Go Genie...

Remember Genie from Aladdin?

7. Go Genie...esteesdave

8. Let's go!

The Greek god, Zeus from the movie, "Hercules".

8. Let's go!esteesdave

9. He's a poser!

Here is Kocoum from the Pocahonta Disney movie.

9. He's a poser!esteesdave

10. Walk it, girl!

Here is Aurora from the movie, "Sleeping Beauty".

10. Walk it, girl!esteesdave

11. Take a shot!

Here is Peter Pan from "Peter Pan"

11. Take a shot!esteesdave

12. Maleficent is magnificent...

12. Maleficent is magnificent...esteesdave

13. Stitching it down!

Meet Stitch from "Lilo and Stitch".

13. Stitching it down!esteesdave

14. Triton

The Little Mermaid presents to you - Triton.

14. Tritonesteesdave

15. Love it...

Here is Jasmine from the movie, "Aladdin".

15. Love it...esteesdave

16. It is magic...

Remember Flora, Fauna And Merryweather from Sleeping Beauty?

16. It is magic...esteesdave

17. Cinderella

This beauty needs no introduction...

17. Cinderellaesteesdave

18. Oh, okay...

Meet Yao, Chien-Po And Ling from the movie, "Mulan".

18. Oh, okay...esteesdave

19. Hey, you!

From the Princess and the Frog - Charlotte.

19. Hey, you!esteesdave

20. Hello...

This is John Smith from Pocahontas.

20. Hello...esteesdave

21. Let's walk it...

Meet Meg from the movie, "Hercules".

21. Let's walk it...esteesdave

22. It's a pair slay!

Here are Cinderella's step sisters, Drizella And Anastasia.

22. It's a pair slay!esteesdave

23. Adam

Bedtime Stories... Prince Adam from Beauty and the Beast

23. Adamesteesdave

24. Hey, little one!

Lilo in the movie, "Lilo and stitch".

24. Hey, little one!esteesdave

25. Captain Hook

... from Peter Pan

25. Captain Hookesteesdave

26. Ursula

... from the Disney movie, Little "Mermaid".

26. Ursulaesteesdave

27. That's some skin-show!

Meet Gaston from Beauty and the Beast.

27. That's some skin-show!esteesdave

28. Wendy Darling

... from Peter Pan

28. Wendy Darlingesteesdave

29. Melanin drips!

Lilo and Stitch presents .... Nani!

29. Melanin drips!esteesdave

30. Governor Ratcliffe

... from Pocahontas

30. Governor Ratcliffeesteesdave

31. Hades

... from Hercules

31. Hadesesteesdave

32. Phil

Remember Phil from Tarzan?

32. Philesteesdave

33. Dripping legs...

Here is Facilier from "The Princess and the frog".

33. Dripping legs...esteesdave

34. Take a picture!

Li Shang from Mulan.

34. Take a picture!esteesdave

35. Still Queening...

Queen Grimhilde from the movie, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".

35. Still Queening...esteesdave

36. Lady Tremaine

Here is Cinderella's Stepmother...

36. Lady Tremaineesteesdave

37. Jafar

The main antagonist in Aladdin

37. Jafaresteesdave

38. Phillip

Does Sleeping Beauty ring a bell?

38. Phillipesteesdave

39. Snow White

... and the Seven Dwarfs

39. Snow Whiteesteesdave

40. LeFou

You'll find him in the movie, "Beauty and the Beast".

40. LeFouesteesdave

41. Love the pose...

This Shan Yu from the movie, "Mulan".

41. Love the pose...esteesdave

42. Charming

He got our dear Cinderella.

42. Charmingesteesdave

43. Pleakley And Jumba

They're in the Disney movie, "Lilo and Stitch".

43. Pleakley And Jumbaesteesdave

44. Queen Grimhilde (Witch)

Here's the witch from snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

44. Queen Grimhilde (Witch)esteesdave

45. Aladdin

45. Aladdinesteesdave

46. Hercules

46. Herculesesteesdave

47. Prince Florian

... from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

47. Prince Florianesteesdave

These Disney characters are truly slaying modern designs and they would have numerous followers on Instagram if they had accounts. They slayed so well that they could undoubtedly blend into our modern world. 

Which of these Walt Disney movie characters did you admire for their slay? Comment below and make sure to share it with all your Disney-loving family and friends.
