Tumblr Posts That Will Motivate You To Be Part Of The Of The Destruction Of Patriarchy

Get ready to be inspired.

  • Published in Tumblr
Tumblr Posts That Will Motivate You To Be Part Of The Of The Destruction Of Patriarchy

Sometimes inspiration is hard to come by and since you can't force yourself to be inspired, something has to trigger it and make you want to pursue a particular thing you were seeking, then you can work hard enough until you achieve it. 

But you can implement a couple of factors that will make it much easier for you to get inspired, such as the environment you happen to be in and the people you choose to surround yourself with, or in this case, some Tumblr posts by a couple of people who are already inspired and motivated enough to be part of this movement.  

1. Human beings eat food in order to survive

1. Human beings eat food in order to surviveadragonwithbalanceissues

2. Oh Snap

2. Oh Snapnothingcorporate

3. Man bras for Moobs

3. Man bras for Moobsohmslewis

4. Making the best out of a weird situation

4. Making the best out of a weird situationbunnywith-lurker-blog-blog

5. Universal Austen Truths

5. Universal Austen Truthspetitpoulailler

6. I mean really

6. I mean reallyTumblr

7. Who cares if you have "uniboob"

7. Who cares if you have gracklesong

8. You just know it

8. You just know italltheladiesyouhate

9. I guess they are like bullet wounds in a way

9. I guess they are like bullet wounds in a waypanicatthesisko

10. I would love to see his answer to that

10. I would love to see his answer to thatkajiraraven