People Are Debating Whether Or Not This Adorable, Derpy Puppy Could Be Part Cat Or Not

This feline looking doggo is so fluffy we could just die

  • Published in Animals
People Are Debating Whether Or Not This Adorable, Derpy Puppy Could Be Part Cat Or Not

Almost everyone has a preference between cats and dogs. (A few very, very wrong people don't like cats or dogs, but they're wrong.)

Whether you have a mild preference or a huge preference, the fact is that most people do like one more than the other. But for some of us, it really can be hard to decide. We love the furry, the fuzzy, the fluffy, the hairless, the animals. We just love them.

Perhaps the time has come where the love for cats and dogs can be combined? Well, I don't know about that much but this little fluffy, derpy puppy in Vietnam is sure causing quite the commotion on r/aww and honestly, I'm so here for it.


He is so heckin' cute.


Oggling the fluffy boi, Reddit users have begun to toss out "conspiracy theories," and all sorts of wild ideas about the mystery animal.

One user claimed “he looks like a cartoon,” and another insisted “it’s a H’mong dog breed.” User u/ryliky confessed that “I don’t care if it’s a cat or a dog. It’s a cuddly gud boi and I want it.”

Big mood ryliky, big mood.

Oggling the fluffy boi, Reddit users have begun to toss out giphy

Thankfully, his owners have been hunted down.

Bored Panda interviewed the Vietnam couple Hai Anh and Tuan who provide a healthy, happy home to the floofer.

Thankfully, his owners have been hunted down.Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ

While some Internet fanatics have tossed around ideas like the puppy could be a hybrid between a corgi and a local Vietnamese breed called Hmong...

Most people have never even heard of the Hmong because it is an ancient Vietnamese breed. According to Asia Life Magazine, the Hmong dogs are considered "excellent hunting and guard dogs and have exceptional strength and intelligence."

While some Internet fanatics have tossed around ideas like the puppy could be a hybrid between a corgi and a local Vietnamese breed called Hmong...Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ

The Hmong dog originates from northern Vietnam where there are a lot of mountains.

One of the breed's note-worthy adorable qualities is definitely its naturally docked tail.

Mr. Tran Dinh Thao lives with two black Hmong dogs and states that “they are a very loyal and cute animal.”

The Hmong dog originates from northern Vietnam where there are a lot of mountains.Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ

After contacting the puppy's humans, some awesome fun facts have come to light.

His humans told Bored Panda that the puppy’s real name is Dúi (“bamboo rat” in English). Hai Anh said:

It’s been only 5 days since we created Dúi’s fan page and it now has more than 40K likes. The dog now has loads of fans both in Vietnam and around the world!

After contacting the puppy's humans, some awesome fun facts have come to light.Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ

Hmong pups are known to be sociable pets who get along splendid with children.

When asked explicitly what the pup was, Hai Anh explained that “he is a mix of a native dog breed and a short-legged dog called Dingo. But I think he might have a gene mutation too. I bought him in a mountain province in Vietnam.”

Hmong pups are known to be sociable pets who get along splendid with children.Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ

Dúi is living his best life, a perky, spunky, happy pupperino.

His humans say that Dúi is “like every puppy, he likes playing with both humans and dog friends. He is really sweet and funny!”

Dúi is living his best life, a perky, spunky, happy pupperino.Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ

As his popularity continues to spread across multiple social media platforms, people have had some hilarious things to say about him.

"Do you want a cat or a dog? YES" - Silv3rtongue

"Just give me some drunk mini fox bear fam" - oar3421

As his popularity continues to spread across multiple social media platforms, people have had some hilarious things to say about him.Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ

When learning about the breed, people had some quick tongue replies to that, too!

"How big does this dog breed get? Do they get h'mong-ous?" - GracefulWhale

"It looks like a result of mixing corgi with a mainecoon cat. Instant love <3" - Arrhaaaaaaaaaaaaass

When learning about the breed, people had some quick tongue replies to that, too!Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ

Other hilarious responses include meme'ing the fluffer pupper.

Other hilarious responses include meme'ing the fluffer pupper.Gumball Waterson

So many people would love one, or ten.

"I believe you adopted your dog from a cartoon." - HunterWald

So many people would love one, or ten.Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ

I echo this sentiment:

"I want a Godzilla-style monster movie with a 150 foot version of this dog" - JeffMatthews410

I echo this sentiment:Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ

On their Facebook page, which is newly set up, they have been receiving a TON of questions.

The family has had to post explicitly explaining, "We don't sell dogs or sell Dúi. So many people ask I don't want to answer anymore."

On their Facebook page, which is newly set up, they have been receiving a TON of questions.Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ

Do you want to keep up with this sweetpea's shenanigans? There are a lot of ways to do so.

The family started a group for fans to share memes, stories, and art.

Do you want to keep up with this sweetpea's shenanigans? There are a lot of ways to do so.Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ

Of course most importantly...

You can follow their Facebook page here. They explain why they are putting watermarks on the photos as well: "I insert letters on the picture because many of you are uploading but do not share the source, deliberately drop photos to re upload, write personal page source so I am required to insert on photos like that"

Of course most importantly...Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ

And his pupper family has names, too!

"My 2 brothers are Alabai, bigger than a Bear, the guy who often drives me is Bướng."

And his pupper family has names, too!Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ

The whole family is definitely having fun with their spunky pup.

And honestly, with faces like these, we cannot blame them one bit! We wish them only the best of luck in their future endeavours.

The whole family is definitely having fun with their spunky pup.Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ