This 1958 '129 Ways to Get a Husband' Article Shows Us How Much Society Has Changed

For the entirety of human existence, people have been looking for somebody to love and will do seemingly anything to find that special someone.

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This 1958 '129 Ways to Get a Husband' Article Shows Us How Much Society Has Changed

For the entirety of human existence, people have been looking for somebody to love and will do seemingly anything to find that special someone.

People have gone on dating shows (of which there are now many) and some have met people online but here is a list of ways McCall's magazine told women they could get a husband in 1958. Some are truly bizarre and the logic behind them will leave you completely confused as to why they (and maybe some readers) thought they were good ideas.

It will truly speak volumes of how much dating and society as a whole have changed as well as showing how ridiculously far people will go to find someone to love.

A woman by the name of Kim Marx-Kuczynski from Madison, Wisconsin purchased an old issue of Mcall's magazine from 1958 because the tex on the front reading '129 Ways to Get a Husband' intrigued her.

Some list items like the ones that suggest you should take up golf (number 7) or learn poker (103) are harmless and to some would be a fun way to meet new people (whether you want to date them or not) but others are degrading to the women who would be reading the article, some are degrading to the men they'd be hoping to date and others are just plain bad advice like the idea that you should rent a billboard and put an ad with your face and phone number on it (115) not to mention the weird list item suggesting a women should get sunburn (58).


129 Ways to Get a Husband

129 Ways to Get a HusbandSource

The Full List

The Full ListSource

The list

The list Source

But wait, there's more

But wait, there's moreSource

These are really quite specific

These are really quite specificSource

Make a lot of money? Sweet, easy!

Make a lot of money? Sweet, easy!Source

I like to ride in convertibles, too

I like to ride in convertibles, tooSource

I'm gonna wear a perfume that he likes

I'm gonna wear a perfume that he likesSource

Wear a sweater every THIRD date, okay?

Wear a sweater every THIRD date, okay?Source

I liked the diet one, wow lol

I liked the diet one, wow lolSource

And it goes on, and on

And it goes on, and onSource

Marriage is not on your mind! At least, don't let him think it is

Marriage is not on your mind! At least, don't let him think it is Source

No gossiping

No gossipingSource

Do what he wants.

Do what he wants. Source

Ashtrays are very important

Ashtrays are very importantSource

Go to Yale.

Go to Yale.Source

Give me a buzz, pilots

Give me a buzz, pilotsSource

Ask your mother to take in male boarders. That's a sure fire way to get good, quality men

Ask your mother to take in male boarders. That's a sure fire way to get good, quality menSource


HmmSource Source

They're obviously a bunch of professionals when it comes to dating and impressing men

They're obviously a bunch of professionals when it comes to dating and impressing menSource Source

As a man with a majority of my friends being female, I have seen some of these put into practice in todays society and have seen the damaging results these do to a relationship (as there becomes a clear imbalance to the power dynamic in the relationship) but also to the female in question's self esteem as in some cases they have seemed to think that their job is to do what there partner wants. In a selection of cases I have even seen a female friend being guilted for going out with friends and not being there when the man comes home.

The damaging implications of these 1950s ideals go further than that as these list items also give a warped perspective of what it means to be male. Many list items talking about "ugly" men or short men or bald men like they are less manly and are only a tool to be utilised in the search find a "real" man. One item even refers to some men as leftovers. This stigma is a lingering part of this time that still remains today.

Whilst some 1950's dating rules could be considered pleasant in todays dating world and some don't get a second thought today (like the fact that you are not entitled to anything just for being nice) the gender roles and stereotypes for both men and women are damaging and set a bad example for how people should interact with one another.

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