Hilariously Accurate School-Related Memes Perfect For Back-To-School Or Any Other Time You Need A Laugh

As a society, we're bonded by the horrific experience of middle school

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Hilariously Accurate School-Related Memes Perfect For Back-To-School Or Any Other Time You Need A Laugh

School can bring back many different memories for each person. While there may be a lot of similarities in experiences, it’s inarguable that everyone has had their own unique school experience.

For a lot of people, going to school or memories of their time at school can be full of anxiety and dread-inducing feelings. Whether due to peer bullies, cruel teachers, not understanding the coursework, or not getting homework done for whatever reason, the school can be really awful for some kids.

On the flip side, school is a safe haven for some kids who lack support or necessities at home. And for kids who were more popular, school can be or was some of the best time spent.

And school evolves over time just as people do. The difficulties ebb and flow as we go through great times of transition with our peers, like how middle school is a nightmare full of elementary-aged children suddenly going through puberty all at the same time.

While looking back on the stereotypical schooling experience as an adult, far from their schooling days, it definitely felt a lot heavier and more disastrous than it actually was. Those “permanent records” really aren’t all that permanent after you graduate.

Back in October 2017, someone decided to start up a Reddit community dedicated to “Memes of the dank, but for school.” Either to poke fun at and reminisce about school or to help occupy their time during another boring class.

Since its creation, r/school_memes has garnered 28.6k members that actively share, create and enjoy memes relating to the school. We collected some of the all-time top posts to share with you today.

1. Yes

For a price...

1. Yesmarcus4you

2. because 99% is not enough

Maximum stress at all times.

2. because 99% is not enoughLesley69420

3. It hurts

It's a whole different kind of sting.

3. It hurtsu--x

4. Every single year!

A giant serotonin vacuum.

4. Every single year!Eliel_Alves

5. Big brain time

I will never sleep.

5. Big brain timeZifu21

6. Gottem

The older the teacher, the longer the stories.

6. GottemCOVID19_Starter_Pack

7. Its called laziness

Not like I'd look at the notes I copied anyway.

7. Its called lazinessmazzuqa

8. The triple friend group when the teacher says pairs

The terrifying moment when you realize who is the least liked friend.

8. The triple friend group when the teacher says pairsMoist_BreadD

9. The logic

Technically, one hour is not the same amount of time as overnight.

9. The logicClout1257

10. Duh

It's why we're all here, what we do with it is another thing.

10. DuhOk_Acanthisitta_9470

11. When u actually felt the adrenaline pump

A cruel jolt into the terrors of the real world.

11. When u actually felt the adrenaline pump6ssirk9

12. Based on a true story

Oh, the flashbacks this one caused.

12. Based on a true storyBenJazzDrummer

13. It's me

Every day, thanks insomina.

13. It's meIntelligent_Tea9313

14. School, am I right

Life, too.

14. School, am I rightlogan_creepypasta

15. Fame

Now everybody wants to be their friend.

15. Famejust1clown_3

16. A really awkward transition

But I also did not keep in contact with anyone.

16. A really awkward transitionAlyssa6693

17. Learn from me

All hail ye who understood the assignment.

17. Learn from memelodicarachnid0

18. I swear everytime

It's the easiest thing to blame and control.

18. I swear everytimexFlx_

19. Hello

Because dysregulated people are super reasonable.

19. Helloewanmckenobi

20. I really haven't learned anything

Object permanence is a pain.

20. I really haven't learned anythingDeku_Is_Bae

21. Still homeschooling..

I'm so glad I did not have to deal with either aspect of online schooling.

21. Still homeschooling..UltimateLordus

22. I am incredibly intellectually superior to all beings

And no one wins.

22. I am incredibly intellectually superior to all beingsmrduncansir42

23. Indian guy>my teacher who has made a total of 2 videos for our online class all year

Sometimes the best teachers are the ones we find.

23. Indian guy>my teacher who has made a total of 2 videos for our online class all year22Wideout

24. Bro.....



25. F

School: Always be afraid.

25. Fmerzak-x

26. Well of course I know them, they’re me

Why were advanced math kids so mean anway?

26. Well of course I know them, they’re meILIKECHEZDUDE

27. Ima stop you right there...

Traditional schooling has really left a lot to be desired. It's a terrible environment to learn in.

27. Ima stop you right there...DanielDLG

28. Snrrrk

I wonder how high it goes...

28. SnrrrkLesley69420

29. Well that's not good

Gone forever.

29. Well that's not goodlogan_creepypasta

30. My way of doing assignments

Putting the "pro" in procrastination.

30. My way of doing assignmentsDKidyplays2016

31. Some more


31. Some moreBig-Masterpiece3893

32. School Life Summed Up

I have never learned from this mistake.

32. School Life Summed UpLegend2309

33. Please can we just have breaks?

Remote school has been less than ideal for a lot of students.

33. Please can we just have breaks?TloyCO

34. "They all be wearing Adidas or Nike clothes with the most expensive school bags and screaming around "sheesh" I can't do this anymore"

Most don't outgrow it until MUCH later.

34. logan_creepypasta

35. Come On, Mason!

It's time for math, Mason!

35. Come On, Mason!Elite_Professional

36. Really?

I still have anxiety dreams with this sort of theme.

36. Really?high-lev_adaptation

37. Teachers be like...

Because sports bring in money.

37. Teachers be like...Nabstablook123

38. I never raise my hand

Mean well with another kid, thanks.

38. I never raise my handEVBEV_woooooosh

39. Caffeine induced rage typing goes raaaagggh

Also how I like to handle work.

39. Caffeine induced rage typing goes raaaaggghAronovsky1103

40. This is the duo no one asked for but deserved

I was both in my class.

40. This is the duo no one asked for but deserved6ssirk9

41. Useless

But what happens when we no longer have Google?

41. UselessMoist_BreadD

42. grade in a nutshell

Think NASA named Uranus that on purpose? It used to be George.

42. grade in a nutshelldoubearush

43. Everyone looks bigger than you when you're under 10

Although I've always been that awkward giant kid.

43. Everyone looks bigger than you when you're under 10yadda_yadda07

44. I hate this moment

Why must I second guess myself?!

44. I hate this momentgloomybackground6

45. Holy Ice

It can fix almost anything.

45. Holy IceTurkishKebab69

46. Thought of it while taking a test!

There's a chance of avoiding failure.

46. Thought of it while taking a test!Cooked_Oven

47. It do be like that

It's not their fault that schools are severely underfunded, they're doing their best with what they have.

47. It do be like thatSjaak_de_snaAk

48. The almighty is here

The power QUICKLY goes to their heads.

48. The almighty is hereSwertzYT

49. Poor teacher!

They teach chemistry to 12 year olds?

49. Poor teacher!Eliel_Alves

50. Trying to sleep

Can confirm this continues into adulthood.

50. Trying to sleepandrewvho

51. Thanks, Google

Hopefully, it also helped some information stick.

51. Thanks, GoogleTobydacat

52. Zoom call

The pandemic made things real weird real fast

52. Zoom calliintrepidrecipe

53. Only OGs

Thanks, COVID.

53. Only OGsSwertzYT

54. This is soo true

How does one vape the bathroom?

54. This is soo true07CertiRoblox 2

55. It's unfair 😡

A double standard based on unreasonable expectations for children.

55. It's unfair 😡sspalma200

56. Happened to my friend


56. Happened to my friendSpongebuB696


Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!


58. Definitely did not help.

58. Definitely did not help.CryptedMemories

59. We ded

Safety first

59. We dedFufezz

60. Yo he got new trim!


60. Yo he got new trim!Mynameisaarav

61. Very rude

It's just a bit of math is all.

61. Very rudeJorti1

Did you find any of these memes relatable, either as a student, parent, or teacher? Are you still enrolled in school, or is that long in your past now?

Tell us about your favorite memes from this post and your own schooling experiences in the comments section below! If you have a friend in the trenches of school, be sure to share this with them to help brighten their day. 
