Teenage Daughter Leaves Her Emotionally Abusive Dad In Tears After Telling Him She Wants To Live With Mom

Her relatives then told her that she was being selfish.

Teenage Daughter Leaves Her Emotionally Abusive Dad In Tears After Telling Him She Wants To Live With Mom

Children have a tendency to like their moms more than their dads because mothers are usually the primary caregiver. Moreover, moms may be more attuned to their children's emotional needs and tend to provide more nurturing and comforting behaviors, such as hugging, cuddling, and soothing.

These gestures give the young ones a sense of security and safety. But over time, a child's preference may change.

The father may become more involved as their kids grow up. Their preference may also depend on their personality and temperament.

But no matter who the child prefers, it's important for both parents to establish a strong relationship with their child. If they're overly strict or create an unhealthy environment for the child, it could cause psychological problems in the long run.

The story today is about a female teenager who decided to live with her mom for good because of how emotionally abusive her dad is. A Reddit user named honey_2605 talked about her issue on the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) subreddit.

The original poster (OP) tells the community that her dad has always been hard on her and her sister. She mentions that her dad forced her to be fit because she was chubby as a child.

Her dad also has a girlfriend who's technically the female version of her father. As she was already sick and tired of the emotional abuse, the OP asked her mom if she could live with her for good.

Her mom agreed to the arrangement. But when the OP and her mom told her dad about it, the man cried.

A teenager asked the AITA community about the situation with her dad.

A teenager asked the AITA community about the situation with her dad.Reddit

Because of her dad's treatment, the OP suffered from psychological problems.

Because of her dad's treatment, the OP suffered from psychological problems.Reddit

The OP's mom was nothing like her dad.

The OP's mom was nothing like her dad.Reddit

After all the hardships that she went through with her dad, the OP decided to live with her mom for good.

She told her dad about her plan to leave his home, and it made him cry.

After all the hardships that she went through with her dad, the OP decided to live with her mom for good.Reddit

The relatives on his father's side didn't like what the OP did.

The relatives on his father's side didn't like what the OP did.Reddit

Redditors believe that crying was the OP's dad's manipulative move.

Redditors believe that crying was the OP's dad's manipulative move.Reddit

Since the OP's father was never a good dad, it's better for her to talk to him less.

Since the OP's father was never a good dad, it's better for her to talk to him less.Reddit

He never apologized. He only cried.

So we can't call it sincerity.

He never apologized. He only cried.Reddit

A Redditor thinks that the OP's dad is trying to maintain an image.

A Redditor thinks that the OP's dad is trying to maintain an image.Reddit

Proof that the dad is an evil person

Proof that the dad is an evil personReddit

The dad is a manipulator while his family are enablers. The OP needs to stay away.

The dad is a manipulator while his family are enablers. The OP needs to stay away.Reddit

This mad deserves to be left behind after what he did to his children.

This mad deserves to be left behind after what he did to his children.Reddit

The relatives will make you lose faith in humanity.

They're blaming the victim and enabling the abuser.

The relatives will make you lose faith in humanity.Reddit

There are cases when a person needs to be selfish. This is that case.

There are cases when a person needs to be selfish. This is that case.Reddit

He's crying because his ego went crashing down.

He's crying because his ego went crashing down.Reddit

The dad brought this situation upon himself.

The dad brought this situation upon himself.Reddit

He was successful in making the OP think she was being the bad guy.

He was successful in making the OP think she was being the bad guy.Reddit

The OP needs to get far, far away from her narcissistic dad.

The OP needs to get far, far away from her narcissistic dad.Reddit

It's time for the OP to heal her mind, and that means being away from her father.

It's time for the OP to heal her mind, and that means being away from her father.Reddit

The OP should never come back. Things might get worse.

The OP should never come back. Things might get worse.Reddit

Some Redditors want the OP to get rid of her dad from her life.

Some Redditors want the OP to get rid of her dad from her life.Reddit

The OP's dad is a narcissistic father who only cares about his image. He wants his kids to stay with him because it tells outsiders that he's a "great dad."

The OP should stay with her mom and never come back. If her dad continues to be emotionally abusive, then it's time to block him and never contact him again.
