Sleeping Cats Are Absolutely Precious

Purr-fectly precious as they nap their days away.

  • Published in Animals
Sleeping Cats Are Absolutely Precious

You probably don't need to be reminded of this little fun fact but cats sleep a lot. Some cats may sleep up to 20 hours a day and that could be perfectly in the realm of normal.

Cats' sleep cycles are fascinating and always fun to learn about but what we are all truly browsing the Internet for when it comes to sleepy, snuggly kitty cats... is pictures of them doing the deed. There is something irresistibly about gazing longingly at a sleeping cat.

Whether their kitty feetsies are curled or their kitty noses are tucked in some cranny or they've one full loaf, the sight of a cat sleeping is truly a sight to behold. That's precisely why we're about to make your day 100x better with a collection of purr-fectly precious sleeping cats!

You're welcome.

1. "Everyday Momo Cries Until My Boyfriend Puts Him In His “Hammock” For Nap Time"

1. ladymistborn

2. "When You’re Napping But You Also Have To Practice Your Ballet"

2. poshslug

3. "The Time I Rescued A Crying Kitten Outside. My Cat Cuddled Her"

3. zozozkittykat

4. "Baby Kitty Sleeps With Mom"

4. reddit

5. "A Tired Little Man"

5. chavata2023

6. "I Was Playing Some Games On My PC, He Jumped On Me And Slid Into My Hoodie Before Taking A Nap. I’m In Heaven"

6. Trxshpotato

7. "This Is How My Roommates Cat Decided To Sleep On Me Today"

7. caylinmay51

8. "A Stray Kitten Just Came Up And Took A Nap On My Lap. Best Moment In This Whole Miserable Year"

8. Flaty98

9. "Napping With Mommy"

9. nooneknowsme_xx

10. "We Sleep With Our Toes To The Sky"

10. Custergrant

11. "My Dad Has Never Had A Cat But Loves Mine. He Found A Kitten Crying Outside A Couple Days Ago Who Prefers Sleeping Like This"

11. robcantplayhockey

12. "Found These Two Sleeping Like This"

12. CatLovingCatlady

13. "He Likes To Nap In My Arms"

13. onceIate18cakes

14. "Meet Kendrick. He Likes To Sleep Like This"

14. probablywitchcraft

15. "My Cats Formed A Smiley Face Today"

15. SpookyMookyHours

16. "This Pocket Is Just Right For This Little Kitten"

16. tonobodysdelight

17. "Kitten Sleeping"

17. unknown

18. "I Woke Up To Him Sleeping Like This Next To Me This Morning. I Think At This Point, We Need Modelling Agencies For Cats"

18. Goldenoir

19. "Being Snuggled In A Beanie Made The Screaming Cotton Ball Go To Sleep"

19. Venyxia

20. "My Cat Insists I Hold His Paw While He Sleeps On My Lap. Never Once Has Scratched Me. It's A Very Trusting Relationship Kind Of Thing"

20. ryanechols

21. "They Fight All Day But Sleep Together At Night"

21. disciplinq

22. "The Kitten We Rescued. Meet Luna, Sleeping With Her Toy Mouse"

22. CasMaSas

23. "Just A Bebby Sleeping"

23. 3972684290

24. "Moms Kitty Cat Loves To Nap In A Vase"

24. PancakeMaster999

25. "Yesterday I Adopted A Kitten But I Think They Gave Me A Meerkat"

25. GMRpt

26. "A Stray Cat Walked Into A Cafe And Decided To Take A Nap In My Arms"

26. butimshy

27. "My Daughter And Our Cat Always Have To Be Touching When They Nap. Today It Was Foot To Foot"

27. Strongpillow

28. "Having A Nap In The Sun, Really Liked How This Photo Looks"

28. Biggity_Biggims

29. "Sleepy Kitties"

29. machiyominoura

30. "Most Adorable Sleeping Loaf Of Bread"

30. unknown

31. "Hobbes Is Very Tired From Not Helping Us Move"

31. meeoowwzzuuhh

32. "This Is Chata, The Munchkin. This Is How He Sleeps"

32. chavata2023

33. "The Cat Is Sleeping While My Boyfriend Plays"

33. ritinha_fig

34. "Bundled Sleepy Kittens"


35. "Just These Brothers Sleeping. You’re Welcome"

35. Hopeful_Brilliant625

36. "She Sure Is Really Happy When Sleeping"

36. Yoshi-Chan-YT

37. "Kitten Wheel"

37. kittenxlady

38. "An Interesting Sleeping Position"

38. spacecupcakez

39. "I Was Freaking Out Cause I Couldn't Find Him. Finally Found Him Sleeping Like This"

39. book_worm200414

40. "This Is How My Cat Sleeps Every Night"

40. acenia17

41. "My New Cat Only Sleeps On My Head. Meet Newt"

41. pawnteac

42. "Sleepy Pancake Kitty"


43. "He Sleeps Like This"

43. salty_melon

44. "The Girls Napping"

44. Vtscott

45. "I Wanted A Dog, My Husband Wanted A Cat Because Dogs Are "Too Needy". So Instead We Got A Cat"

45. sileesaurus

46. "Caturday Nap"

46. Radish00

47. "Coco Likes To Nap Like A Birdy"

47. OfficialDampSquid

48. "His Favourite Sleeping Spot"

48. gingerraspy

49. "Man And Kitten Taking A Cat Nap"

49. jdubsxixi

50. "We Got A New Kitten, But I Think Our Cat Got A New Kitten"

50. emilyrebekah