Culturally Acceptable Things At Present Time That Would Probably Horrify People A Hundred Years From Now
Just like how we are horrified with some things from the past centuries.
- Published in Funny
For the past centuries, people have absolutely done some things that are unapologetically barbaric, in the name of health, science, safety, or even just for making money. Reading all this weird stuff about how things worked back then completely irks us to the core.
When we look back at history, it's pretty easy to cringe and gross because of the way they unquestionably do things back then, from their ridiculous beauty trends that involve urine as teeth whiteners, down to their ways of killing people. But how can we be sure that the people that would be living a hundred years from now won't do the same to the way we culturally accept things now?
In this developing world, there are plenty of things that people living in their respective cultures agree are all socially acceptable, and there are also a lot of things that are culturally acceptable worldwide. But have you ever thought if these things may still be accepted a hundred years from now?
In plenty of sense, our ways of doing things at present time will probably seem weird to a lot of people in the future, just like how we are weirded out with the things that the human civilizations has done back done. It is even possible that the things we consider acceptable right now would turn out to be morally wrong—just think about the societal issues that were still okay in the 80s and 90s but are considered insensitive now.
That being said, a user with the handle u/lizaloa posted this question on Reddit: What is culturally accepted today that will be horrifying in 100 years? and sure enough, the people delivered. The post has now gathered over 9k comments.
Take a look at the highlights of the thread below!
1. Not a lot of people know how much chemotherapy actually sucks
Reddit2. Accidents, accidents
Reddit3. Imagine you're from the future and you hear about slimy organs being transferred from one person to another
Reddit4. So much waste of everything
Reddit5. It's literally everywhere
Reddit6. Another point again for chemotherapy
Reddit7. So much sugar and so much salt in food
Reddit8. Yeah, but honestly, only a few can afford to actually replace a phone every year
Reddit9. Water has been always taken for granted
Reddit10. Those kind of bathrooms
Reddit11. It's either going to go the opposite direction or the usage of social media will just keep being worse
Reddit12. This may be a valid take, but not everyone knows how it feels to put down a loved one
Reddit13. Toddler beauty pageants are plain horrible
Reddit14. Plastics everywhere
Reddit15. Why would they do this in the first place and why haven't they stopped?
Reddit16. Pollution taking over
Reddit17. Who will be slaves in the future?
Reddit18. Abusing our supply of helium
Reddit19. Two days aren't enough to rest
Reddit20. Anything that involves child labor
Reddit21. And religious schools, too! (Sometimes they are way much worse)
Reddit22. High insulin prices
Reddit23. Colposcopies
Reddit24. Factory farming
Reddit25. Let's just hope it changes
Reddit26. Lack of digital privacy
Reddit27. It's interesting to think of how they would react to this in the future
RedditWhat would you answer if you were asked the same question? With the way our society and the world as a whole are progressing, there are definitely still a lot of questionable things that are sprouting here and there!
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