If Cruella De Vil Was A Cat, Then She Would Probably Look Like This

Meet Geri, a beautiful two-faced feline that resembles Cruella.

If Cruella De Vil Was A Cat, Then She Would Probably Look Like This

Cats are one of the most wonderful and beautiful creatures that have ever graced this planet, with millions of them scattered all over the world as a testament to this statement. No matter how many cats you have already seen in pictures or real life, there is always that feeling of awe with their beauty, coupled with their quirky and sometimes aloof personalities.

Even if you may be a dog person, you can't deny how much charisma cats have—they are simply irresistible. While they may usually be depicted as cold-hearted creatures that see themselves as gods that are above humans, they are also one of the purest and most affectionate animals that most people keep as pets, aside from dogs.

They come in all shapes and sizes, and they can only range from beautiful to extraordinarily amazing. The cat you are about to see definitely belongs in the latter—it has two faces to prove it!

Well, not exactly two faces, but rather, her face is divided into a peculiar combination of black and white, just like the scheme of one of our favorite Disney villains, Cruella De Vil. She has a condition called "chimerism," which is derived from the name of a Greek mythical creature called chimera, which had a body of the combination of a lion, a goat, and a serpent.

This cat is nothing like that mythical monster, though. She looks so beautiful and adorable; the people of the Internet just can't resist!

This is Geri, a beautiful Persian ragdoll with a rare genetic condition called "chimerism".

“I found her at my favorite pet shop in 2019. She was 2 months old. I used to be a dog person but as soon as I got her, I changed to a cat person, lol," says Erika, Geri's owner.

This is Geri, a beautiful Persian ragdoll with a rare genetic condition called geri.cat

If you look at her from the side, she looks like she has two totally different faces!

If you look at her from the side, she looks like she has two totally different faces!geri.cat

Geri has become very popular on the Internet because of her peculiar beauty.

Erika says she is so happy for Geri!

"Makes me realize again that I’m the lucky one to have Geri."

Geri has become very popular on the Internet because of her peculiar beauty. geri.cat

Chimerism occurs when an organism forms two or more zygotes.

Chimerism occurs when an organism forms two or more zygotes.geri.cat

Her beautiful photos truly give justice to her beauty, even if people just see her behind screens.

”I truly enjoyed taking photos because as a part of my job, I used to be a travel writer. Also, Geri shows me lots of expressions and I found it very lovely so I take photos of her a lot. I’d like to enjoy and keep every moment with her," says Erika.

Her beautiful photos truly give justice to her beauty, even if people just see her behind screens.geri.cat

Calling someone two-faced might be an insult, but to this cat, it actually pertains to something beautiful.

Calling someone two-faced might be an insult, but to this cat, it actually pertains to something beautiful.geri.cat

Just look at how adorable she is!

Just look at how adorable she is!geri.cat

Here's Geri's owner trying to match her cat with a Cruella De Vil costume.

Here's Geri's owner trying to match her cat with a Cruella De Vil costume. geri.cat

Geri even has a younger brother called Taiga. She says:

“She has a younger brother, Taiga (the white one). They are actual siblings, same father. Taiga loves her so much, always following her, which makes her get annoyed and they end up fighting. But sometimes she is licking Taiga and it makes me so happy.”

Geri even has a younger brother called Taiga. She says:geri.cat

They may not look alike, but Taiga is definitely a rockstar, too.

They may not look alike, but Taiga is definitely a rockstar, too.geri.cat

They make such an adorable duo!

They make such an adorable duo!geri.cat

Geri's definitely enjoying the fame.

Geri's definitely enjoying the fame.geri.cat

She even seems to love taking pictures!

She even seems to love taking pictures!geri.cat

Well, with a face like that, who wouldn't?

Well, with a face like that, who wouldn't?geri.cat

If you can't seem to get enough of her, then check out her Instagram! But let's face it, her feed is genuinely a lot more beautiful than most of ours.

There's no denying that Geri is a beautiful feline, and there are still thousands of cats worldwide that have such peculiar features. Do you know one?

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