Woman Crochets Halloween Costumes For Her Kids, And They're Epic

"Each year, I freehand crochet full-body Halloween costumes with no actual crochet patterns for my children," Stephanie says.

Woman Crochets Halloween Costumes For Her Kids, And They're Epic

Stephanie Pokorny and her family are obsessed with Halloween! So much so that each year Stephanie creates costumes for her kids that you are guaranteed not to see anywhere else.

You see, Stephanie crochets the costumes for her kids from scratch, based on their unique ideas. And they are nothing short of AMAZING!

"Each year, I freehand crochet full-body Halloween costumes with no actual crochet patterns for my children," Stephanie says. "Sometimes these unique costumes are from classic '80s movies, other times from whatever movie or toy is popular at the time."

"Once they choose their Halloween costume ideas, I begin on bringing them to life. They love to follow along with my progress, and each day they ask, 'Is it done yet?'"

Stephanie's family lives in a cold climate, so the extra warmth from the crochet costumes is an added bonus. She says each costume can take between 25 and 40 hours to complete.

"Each of the costumes for the kids takes between 25-40 hours, and I tend to work on them over the course of about two weeks. I have been crocheting since I was 16 - I was taught by my Grandma, and these creative costumes are my passion," she says.

"My mother made my costumes for me as a child, and I remember being beyond excited to wear them. It brings me such joy to be able to do the same for my children!"

Scroll down to see some of Stephanie's best designs. And you can find more of them at her website crochetverse.com.

1. Crochet E.T. Costume

1. Crochet E.T. CostumeStephanie Pokorny

2. Crochet Xenomorph Costume

2. Crochet Xenomorph CostumeStephanie Pokorny

3. Crochet Skeletor Costume

3. Crochet Skeletor CostumeStephanie Pokorny

4. Crochet Slimer Costume

4. Crochet Slimer CostumeStephanie Pokorny

5. Crochet Jason Voorhees Mask

5. Crochet Jason Voorhees MaskStephanie Pokorny

6. Crochet Harry Potter Costume

6. Crochet Harry Potter CostumeStephanie Pokorny

7. Crochet Pizza Costume

7. Crochet Pizza CostumeStephanie Pokorny

8. Crochet Garden Gnome Costume

8. Crochet Garden Gnome CostumeStephanie Pokorny

9. Crochet Papa Smurf Costume

9. Crochet Papa Smurf CostumeStephanie Pokorny

10. Crochet Pennywise Costume

10. Crochet Pennywise CostumeStephanie Pokorny

11. Crochet Predator Costume

11. Crochet Predator CostumeStephanie Pokorny