15 Times Celebrities Wore A Fat Suit And Made Us Cringe

Slim actors in fat suits don't look like plus-sized people; they look like slim actors in fat suits.

15 Times Celebrities Wore A Fat Suit And Made Us Cringe

The Thing About Pam, Renée Zellweger's latest television series, has been met with somewhat mixed reviews and criticism. One of the main things that seem to have upset viewers is the decision to put Zellweger in a fat suit, and we have to agree.

The show is based on the true story of a convicted murderer and middle-aged woman, Pam Hupp. Zellweger is, of course, famously slim and much more petite than Hupp, but rather than choosing an actress with a body-type closer to Hupp's, the show's creators decided to put Zellweger in a (ridiculous) fat suit.

Renée is just one of many other actors who have appeared on screen with prosthetics and heavy makeup to transform their slim figures into heavier ones. And people aren't happy about it.

Why? Because there are so many amazingly talented and beautiful plus-sized actresses who could do the job just as well, if not better than the thinner ones. Just think of Melissa McCarthy, Chrissy Metz, or Gaboury Sidibe - all such incredible actresses.

Not only that, but thin actors in fat suits look entirely ridiculous. Think Gwyneth Paltrow in Shallow Hal or Courteney Cox as 'Fat Monica' in Friends.

Slim actors in fat suits don't look like plus-sized people; they look like slim actors in fat suits. Besides, surely it would be cheaper for filmmakers to use actors who don't need hours of prosthetics and makeup every day.

We reckon the fat suit trend needs to go, so we thought it would be fun to take a look at 15 times celebrities have worn fat suits that have made us cringe. Keep scrolling to check them out!

1. Renée Zellweger as Pam Hupp

1. Renée Zellweger as Pam HuppSkip Bolen/NBC

Viewers are torn when it comes to Renée Zellweger in The Thing About Pam. Although she's an incredibly talented actress, there's no denying Renée looks rather odd in the fat suit.

Viewers are torn when it comes to Renée Zellweger in The Thing About Pam. Although she's an incredibly talented actress, there's no denying Renée looks rather odd in the fat suit.Salten News

2. Sarah Paulson as Linda Tripp

Sarah Paulson is almost unrecognizable as Linda Tripp in American Crime Story. "There's a lot of controversy around actors and fat suits, and I think that controversy is a legitimate one," Sarah said.

"I think fat-phobia is real. I think to pretend otherwise causes further harm."

2. Sarah Paulson as Linda TrippUSA Today

3. Eddie Murphy as Sherman Klump

Who could forget Eddie Murphy as Sherman Klump in The Nutty Professor films? It seems fat suits aren't any better on men than they are on women.


4. Matt LeBlanc as Fat Joey

Matt LeBlanc donned a fat suit to portray "Fat Joey" in Friends. The episode showed Joey in an alternate reality where he's married to Monica.

4. Matt LeBlanc as Fat JoeyImdb.com

5. Max Greenfield as Fat Schmidt

Why the creators of New Girl decided that Schmidt had to be overweight in his college flashbacks is beyond us. Surely a character doesn't have to be "fat" just because they're a bit awkward.

5. Max Greenfield as Fat SchmidtGlamour

6. Chris Hemsworth as Fat Thor

When half the population was killed in Marvel's Endgame, poor Thor suffered some major survivor's guilt. He turned to food and beer for comfort, and before long, we were blessed with "Fat Thor."

6. Chris Hemsworth as Fat ThorPinkvilla

7. Julia Roberts in 'America's Sweetheart'

Even a Pretty Woman like Julia Roberts can't pull off a fat suit. She wore the suit for her character's backstory in America's Sweetheart.

7. Julia Roberts in 'America's Sweetheart'Imdb.com

8. Courteney Cox in 'Friends'

Any fellow Friends fans out there will know that Monica used to be fat (*gasp). And, of course, to play "Fat Monica," Courteney Cox had to wear a crazy fat suit it several episodes.


9. Mike Myers as Fat Bastard

Pretty much every character Mike Myers plays in the Austin Powers films is ridiculous in one way or another. But Fat Bastard really takes the cake!

9. Mike Myers as Fat BastardImdb.com

10. Amy Adams in 'Smallville'

When Amy Adams guest-starred on Smallville, she played a "fat" girl who lost weight by consuming space dust-laced vegetables. She then began craving body fat, and sort of became a cannibal.

10. Amy Adams in 'Smallville'Imdb.com

11. Mila Kunis as Fat Jackie

Mila Kunis's fat suit as "Fat Jackie" would have to be one of the worst. Supposedly, the future version of Jackie had "let herself go."


12. Goldie Hawn in 'Death Becomes Her'

Goldie Hawn's character in Death Becomes Her was depressed and somewhat crazy. Why do these sorts of characters always have to be portrayed as "fat."

12. Goldie Hawn in 'Death Becomes Her'Imdb.com

13. Gwyneth Paltrow in 'Shallow Hal'

Gwyneth Paltrow herself described Shallow Hal as "so sad" and "so disturbing." "No one would make eye contact with me because I was obese," she said.


14. John Travolta in 'Hairspray'

Not only did John Travolta play a woman in Hairspray, he played a "fat" woman! Why his character, Edna, couldn't have been played by a plus-sized female is a mystery.

14. John Travolta in 'Hairspray'Imdb.com

15. Ryan Reynolds in 'Just Friends'

Ryan Reynolds' character in Just Friends was awkward, nerdy, and entirely unpopular. But why he also had to be "fat" is a mystery to us.

15. Ryan Reynolds in 'Just Friends'Imdb.com/© 2005 New Line Cinema

So, there you have it. Fifteen times celebrities have worn fat suits that have made us cringe.

How do you feel about the fat suit trend? Do you think it's fair enough to put thin actors in fat suits, or should those roles be given to plus-sized actors?

We would love to hear your opinions on this. You can share your thoughts with us in the comment section.
