Creepy Mythical Creatures From All Over The World That Will Make Your Skin Crawl
If you've ever wanted to know more about creepy myths and legends then here is your go to starting point.

Mythical creatures. We've all heard a story or two about that guy (whose name nobody can remember) that once went to a creepy place, alone, at night, and saw something that sounds horrifyingly made-up, but totally wasn't.
Yet somehow these stories of crazy creatures go from being stupid stories to 100% believed truths. I'm not sure how but almost everyone around the world has heard of creatures like the Yeti, the Lockness Monster, and the Chupacabra and many, many more creatures that are scary enough to scare the pants off even the strictest non-believer.
Check out the list below put together by CostumeCraze and learn more about some of the worlds creepiest mythical creatures. Who knows you might find one you've heard of before or one that, like many other people on the planet, makes you want to hunt it for proof!
Adze - Togo, Ghana

Bunyip - Australia

Drop Bear - Australia

Yara-Ma-Yha-Who - Australia

Chupacabra - Puerto Rico

La Ciguapa - Dominican Republic

Yee Naaldlooshiit _ Navajo

Dagwanoenyent - Iroquois

Jersey Devil - New Jersey, U.S.

Dover Demon - Massachusetts, U.S.

I call this one a "No Thank You"

Nalusa Falaya - Choctaw

Lou Carcolh - France

Cerberus - Greece

Arachne - Greece

Typhon - Greece

Minotaur - Greece

Black Dog - England

Black Annis - England

Gargoyle - England

Kelpie - Scotland

Redcap - Scotland

Nuckelavee - Orkney

Dullahan - Ireland

Banshee - Ireland

Draugr - Norway

Preta - India, China, Vietnam

Ghoul - Arabia

Ningen - Japan

Ittan-Momen - Japan

Pontianak - Indonesia

Jikininki - Japan

Gashadokuro - Japan

Teke Teke - Japan

Kamaitachi - Japan

Tsuchinoko - Japan

Aswang - Philippines

Mongolian Death Worm - Mongolia

Manananggal - Philippines

Dybbuk - Israel

Ammit - Egypt

Inkanyamba - South Africa

Grootslang - South America
