Creepy Fish With Human-Like Teeth Was Caught Recently In Malaysia And We Are Freaking Out
Why are it's teeth so human-like? Why??

Muhamad Asrhaf is known on Twitter as @raff_nasir and in early July he turned to Twitter to joke about a fish he found. Sharing two pictures of the fish, he joked, "her lips are hotter than mine."
Normally a cheesy joke like this wouldn't go viral but the eerie-looking fish had a very human-like characteristic: teeth. Not just fish-looking teeth, these teeth were oddly human and the result of the startling photos was Asrhaf's post being liked, shared, and replied to thousands of times!
Some people found the fish irresistibly humorous and thus perfect meme material. Others may have seen a little of themselves in the human-like fish, re-tweating the photo alongside a selfie.
Surely, Asrhaf could not have anticipated such a response but Twitter is a constant surprise.

The fish is most likely a trigger fish.
According to National Geographic, there are 40 different trigger fish species and they are characterized by their "very tough teeth and jaws." These bottom dweller are "infamous for their nasty attitude."

Responses to Asrhaf's post flooded in.

With over 14k "likes" and over 8.8k "re-tweets," it's safe to say the peculiar fish he posted went viral.

It even became the perfect opportunity to poke fun at some celebrities notorious for their own plump lips.

That's the bloop-bloop!
National Geographic also dropped this gem: "Did you know? Trigger Fish can rotate their eyeballs independently."
Great, so human-teeth and wonky moving eyeballs! Can 2020 get any weirder?

Let's hope there's not too many more teethy fish in his future (or ours.)