Creepy Korean Comics That Will Spook You Out With Their Unexpected Twists

A new popular way of telling stories.

  • Published in Weird
Creepy Korean Comics That Will Spook You Out With Their Unexpected Twists

While Japan has manga, Korea has Webtoons. Webtoons are digital comics, and come from the combination of "worldwide web" and cartoon—and it's no wonder that it has quickly become popular with the emergence of smartphones all around the world.

These comics are made to read by scrolling down on mobile phones, and in contrast to mangas, the panels are a lot bigger, frame by frame, and come with a more simple and readable text. Not only that, Webtoons comes in full color!

Naver Webtoon has created LINE Webtoon for international readers to read every comic in English, and there are even options to read the comics in other languages. Eastern artists are known for their peculiar and impressive storytelling skills, and in order to make the experience enjoyable for everyone, these stories are translated either officially or by fans.

What you are about to see is a series of short horror comics made by Ko Sai, a quick read that involves horror-esque situations that will make you unsettled or creeped out. The Webtoon you are about to read is named "Short Horror" and it consists of quick creepy comics with unexpected twists!

Webtoons will probably skyrocket in popularity even more in the future, because of the convenience and enjoyment it gives right at the tip of your thumb. Mangas are still legendary though, but you can't deny Webtoons also got style!

Take a look at "Short Horror" below.

This one's entitled "The Wig".

This one's entitled Webtoons

It starts off with a character purchasing a wig for a cheap price.

It starts off with a character purchasing a wig for a cheap price.Webtoons

What could go wrong?

What could go wrong?Webtoons

The wig has been delivered.

The wig has been delivered.Webtoons

Enjoying it now.

Enjoying it now.Webtoons

Night comes.

Night comes.Webtoons

What's that sound?

What's that sound?Webtoons

It's waking them from sleep.

It's waking them from sleep.Webtoons

The wig's gone!

The wig's gone!Webtoons

What on Earth?!

What on Earth?!Webtoons

Oh, no.

Oh, no.Webtoons

It flies off!

It flies off!Webtoons

How about some painful twist?

How about some painful twist?Webtoons

That's "The Wig".

That's Webtoons

What makes Webtoons so unique is their format, as they are read from top to bottom instead of left to right. This is because of their early exposure to the Korean internet portal called Naver, which is kind of like Yahoo.

Naver hosts the country's emails, news, internet searches, and homepages, and these homepages are where webtoons found a home and gained prominence. That being said, South Korean bloggers realized that web browsing relied on scrolling downwards or upwards, hence, comic creators began to format their stories into ones that can be read from top to bottom for convenience.

Now, take a look at this one.


It's called "Don't Turn Off The Light".

It's called Webtoons

Character turns off the light and is met with a set of red eyes in the dark.

Character turns off the light and is met with a set of red eyes in the dark.Webtoons

Making sure...

Making sure...Webtoons

It's still there!

It's still there!Webtoons

The devil's in the room!

The devil's in the room!Webtoons

Lastly, let's check the third comic in the series. Read on!

This one's called "Stalker".

This one's called Webtoons

Clicking heels on the pavement.

Clicking heels on the pavement.Webtoons

The realization.

The realization.Webtoons

Armed with an electric taser, you say?

Armed with an electric taser, you say?Webtoons

Turn around.

Turn around.Webtoons

It's safe to say that Webtoons have been a gamechanger, and no matter how much it gets compared to Japanese mangas, it has a beauty of its own. They stand and shine alone, and it's great that more people all over the world are beginning to appreciate it!

Have you read some Webtoons before? Comment down your thoughts, or share these comics with your family and friends!
