15 Kids Being Creepy Without Even Meaning To
Kids are adorable and scary at the same time…

Small kids don’t really get the implication of their actions and are not politically correct. That is what makes them an endless source of fun. You are never bored around kids.
We have collected some of the funniest posts where kids did something creepy and were not even aware of that. And that is part of their magic.
They were just having fun, and basically, it’s the best proof of how innocent kids are, because it takes a mind of an adult to give some creepy meaning to kids’ works of art.
Take a look, and maybe you will find something familiar.
1. This kid who assisted his sissy's birthday party decorating.
2. Accidental decapitation.
3. The little girl wanted The Nun as her birthday party theme…
4. The kid used a doll as a window holder.
5. This kid believed that Hitler was one of the characters in the “Beauty and the Beast”
6. Vera scary pizza bagels…
7. Food graveyard.
8. This kid thought it would be funny to wrap his mother’s head in duct tape.
9. Barbies tied up to a chair…
10. Some light cooking.
11. “I was thinking of you, daddy.”
12. Prison for bad kids…
13. This doll is punished for something…
14. This doll is a little bit skinny.
15. A fortune cookie…