12 Rad Drawings Showing Bonkers Behavior Of A Wealthy Man When He's Got Issues.
Being rich is a gift and a curse.
- Published in Interesting
It is undeniably true that being wealthy has both its ups and downs. However, contrary to popular belief, those with wealth do not typically differ much from regular people.
In fact, they often take responsibility for the issues which make them seem crazy in the public eye. If you want to learn more about the wealthy lifestyle, Nixon Siow, the creator of the wealthy guy comic series from Malaysia, can help you out!
Nixon believes that everyone has dreamed about having a lot of money and all the amazing things they could do with it. In fact, when he was in elementary school, his teacher asked him to write an essay on what he would do if he had a million dollars.
Nixon's comics have become a staple in the comic book world, especially due to the fact that they often have no dialogue. This makes them incredibly engaging and memorable for readers.
After watching the movie "Crazy Rich Asians," Nixon Siow was inspired to launch a comic book series about a wealthy individual. He did not put too much thought into the characters and instead drew influence from the luxurious lives of Kim Jong Un, Jho Low, and Psy from the song "Gangnam Style."
If you're curious, you can check out his work on his social media accounts anytime.
1. "Reward points"
crazyrichguyig2. "Get outta my way!"
crazyrichguyig3. "Infinitive balance"
crazyrichguyig4. "It’s worth it"
crazyrichguyigPeople deal with difficulties differently, depending on a variety of factors. Social status, wealth, health, and other factors can influence how a person responds to adversity or stressful situations.
For example, someone with higher social status may have access to more resources and a greater ability to cope with difficult situations. They may have access to more financial resources, legal aid, and other support systems which can help them manage their difficulties.
On the other hand, someone with a lower social status or limited financial resources may have fewer resources to draw on and may have to rely more on their own internal coping mechanisms. They may struggle more to access support and may have to rely on their own resilience to get through difficult times.
5. "Reload touch n’ go"
crazyrichguyig6. "Mobile game"
crazyrichguyig7. "Don’t mess with him"
crazyrichguyig8. "Poor telemarketer"
crazyrichguyig9. "Keep the change"
crazyrichguyig10. "Strikes again"
crazyrichguyig11. "Crazy rich Asian"
crazyrichguyig12. "What a view!"
crazyrichguyigHealth can also be a factor in how someone deals with difficulties. People with serious health issues may have to adjust more to their limitations and may need more support to cope with their difficulties.
They may also need to take greater care of themselves in order to manage their illness and its effects. Finally, people's psychological makeup and life experiences can also affect how they cope with difficulties.
People who have had positive experiences and have developed strong coping skills may be more resilient and better able to cope with difficulties. Those who have had negative experiences or