This Pet Parent Is In Need Of A Dog Sitter But Expects Them To Pay For It - At Discount Rates

You’ll never see a crazier advert than this.

This Pet Parent Is In Need Of A Dog Sitter But Expects Them To Pay For It - At Discount Rates

In the world of service seekers and providers, there's a curious breed that seeks to exploit a situation to their advantage, often masking their intentions with a veneer of generosity. These individuals profess to do you a favor, but in reality, they are attempting to secure services at a fraction of their true worth.

It's a phenomenon that has been given a name on the internet - "Choosing Beggars." They appear in various forms, from job seekers expecting high salaries for minimal qualifications to customers demanding top-tier services for a pittance. This Reddit story is a prime example of this peculiar mindset.

The Reddit post in question featured an advertisement for a dog sitter that seemed to encapsulate the essence of "Choosing Beggars." The poster, in need of a teenage dog sitter, cunningly presented their request as an attractive offer for a teenager looking to gain independence.

The catch was the "discounted rate," which would have the unsuspecting dog sitter provide their services in exchange for temporary residence in the advertiser's luxurious master bedroom, complete with resort-style amenities.

The appeal was packaged to make it appear as if the teenager would be living the high life, but the compensation was more in the form of temporary lodging than actual payment for dog-sitting services.

Redditors, known for their keen eye in dissecting such situations, promptly weighed in on the post. They recognized the manipulative undertones and dissected the true cost of the arrangement.

Scroll down to find out the full details.

The story in detail

The story in

Interesting dog sitter advert

Interesting dog sitter

Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to this story:


When folks try to make it seem like they’re doing you a favor so that they can pay you peanuts

When folks try to make it seem like they’re doing you a favor so that they can pay you

“I do pet/house sitting. I recently had someone tell me my price was too high because they had a swimming pool.”

“I do pet/house sitting. I recently had someone tell me my price was too high because they had a swimming pool.”

Haha…This is pettiest pet sitter you’re ever going to meet

Haha…This is pettiest pet sitter you’re ever going to

“No one is gonna pay you to watch your dogs, m*ron.”

“No one is gonna pay you to watch your dogs, m*ron.”

Time to start charging pet sitters a fee to keep your pet company

Time to start charging pet sitters a fee to keep your pet

“This is worse than choosing beggars. This is a creep.”

“This is worse than choosing beggars. This is a creep.”

“What’s with all these people wanting to charge people to take care of their homes/pets?“

“What’s with all these people wanting to charge people to take care of their homes/pets?“

“Honestly, when I was a teenager I would have loved to do this even if I had to pay for it.”

“Honestly, when I was a teenager I would have loved to do this even if I had to pay for it.”

“Sounds a little pervy. Why only teens?“

“Sounds a little pervy. Why only teens?“

This story is hilarious and ridiculous at the same time. It shows that in the world of service providers and seekers, not everyone is out to offer genuine opportunities, rather, there are those who are eager to exploit the unsuspecting.

The "Choosing Beggars" mindset continues to be a fascinating phenomenon that highlights the need for vigilance and discernment when engaging with potential clients or employers.

Redditors were quite bemused at the boldness of the dog parent to charge a fee to their potential sitter. As one Redditor pointed out, “You pay people for this, they don’t pay you.”

We’d love to get your thoughts on this story. Join the conversation in the comments.
