Teacher's Viral TikTok Simplifies The Complex Concept Of 'First Cousins Once Removed'

"My first cousin’s son would be my first cousin, once removed. Removed means down by one generation."

Teacher's Viral TikTok Simplifies The Complex Concept Of 'First Cousins Once Removed'

The family tree, with its intricate branches and extensive roots, encapsulates the complexities of familial relationships, stretching across generations and weaving a tapestry of lineage and legacy. Within this elaborate network, a myriad of terms designate the various members, each with its own specific meaning.

Among these, the concept of "first cousin once removed" often emerges as a particularly perplexing relationship to decipher. This term, integral to understanding one's extended family structure, frequently stirs confusion due to its seemingly abstract nature.

Traditionally, "first cousins" are understood as children of siblings, sharing grandparents. However, the addition of "once removed" introduces a generational shift, which complicates matters.

It refers to the relationship between a person and the children of their first cousins or, conversely, the cousins of their parents. Despite its prevalence in genealogy, the average person might struggle to grasp the full implications of this designation, leading to a widespread misunderstanding of family dynamics.

Enter Kevin Silberman, a dedicated educator with over two decades of experience, who took to TikTok to demystify this concept. Armed with a diagram, Silberman elucidated the nuanced distinctions of "first cousin once removed" in a manner that was both accessible and engaging.

Through his viral video, he not only clarified the term itself but also shed light on the broader intricacies of familial relationships, from cousins once to three times removed. His explanation served as a beacon for those navigating the complex seas of their family history, offering clarity and understanding.

Kevin Silberman, a ninth-grade educator, made the concept of "first cousin once removed" easily understandable, using a clear diagram to illustrate his explanation.

Kevin Silberman, a ninth-grade educator, made the concept of Reddit

The lesson clearly resonated with viewers, as evidenced by the video's viral success. With over 22 years of experience in the field of education, Silberman skillfully dissected the family tree, elucidating the connections between cousins once, twice, and thrice removed.

“My uncle’s son would be my first cousin,” Mr. Silberman said. “My first cousin’s son would be my first cousin, once removed. Removed means down by one generation.”
The lesson clearly resonated with viewers, as evidenced by the video's viral success. With over 22 years of experience in the field of education, Silberman skillfully dissected the family tree, elucidating the connections between cousins once, twice, and thrice removed.Reddit

“If my first cousin once removed has a son, he would be my first cousin twice removed."

“Now, my first cousin’s son, and my son are second cousins. I hope that clears things up.”

Scroll down to see what people had to say!


Silberman's contribution highlights the pivotal role educators play in bridging knowledge gaps, even outside traditional classroom settings. His innovative approach to explaining family relationships underscores the potential of social media as an educational tool, making the complexities of the family tree comprehensible for the digital age.

Through his efforts, viewers gained not only insight into their familial connections but also an appreciation for the rich tapestry of their heritage.

People thought this meant they were from divorced families!

People thought this meant they were from divorced families!Reddit

The differences!

The differences!Reddit

That's a funny explanation!

That's a funny explanation!Reddit

Nieces and nephews are definitely a simpler term for this.

Nieces and nephews are definitely a simpler term for this.Reddit

Naturally, if you prefer to keep referring to all your family members simply as cousins despite this newfound knowledge, by all means, do so! There's undeniable value in keeping things straightforward.

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