Woman Ends Up With Surprise Litter Of Corgis So She Starts a Corgi Cafe

This is possibly the best idea I've ever heard of

  • Published in Animals
Woman Ends Up With Surprise Litter Of Corgis So She Starts a Corgi Cafe

You've heard the expression 'when life gives you lemons make lemonade' right? Turns out that applies to many other situations. In this certain case, it can be reworded into 'when life gives you 12 dogs, open a corgi cafe'.

Truly one of the most beautiful sentences I've ever heard. And that is exactly what this woman from Bangkok Thailand did. Animal cafes are all the rage across Asia at the moment, and when Tanchanok Kanawaong ended up with a surprise litter of Corgi's recently, she decided to make the most of it with a business idea that would end up changing her life!

Meet the staff!

Meet the staff!

The dogs get a lot of treats throughout the day from customers, but it’s ok: they run in the garden at least three times a day to let off some steam and burn some calories.

Every day that Corgi in the Garden is open, there are one-hour sessions for people to play with the dogs and hang out at the cafe for $11 per person (not bad!). And the pooches get one-hour breaks during the day so they can snooze and lounge around like doggos love to do.


Sleepy puppies.

Sleepy puppies.

The owner makes sure to look after the doggos as her first priority.

“I would also like to add that the well-being of the Corgis has always been our priority, so we’ve set up some playing rules. Because we have limited seating, we can’t accept reservations and provide first come, first served service to walk-in customers only. 
