Twitter User Explains That Peeing And Pooping In Space Is Actually Quite Complicated

Well, this is just fascinating.

  • Published in Funny
Twitter User Explains That Peeing And Pooping In Space Is Actually Quite Complicated

At this point in history, most of us haven't been thinking an awful ton about the mechanisms and intricate details of travelling to outer space, other than maybe those folks who are really obsessed with storming area 51 to take home an alien. If you've ever wondered what it's like to do basic, every day things in outer space, like evacuating your bladder and bowels for example, well urine for a treat, because award winning author and puppeteer (yes, you read that correctly,) Mary Robinette Kowal recently addressed the mystery on Twitter.

Mary published an essay by the name of “To Make It to the Moon, Women Have to Escape Earth’s Gender Bias,” and as anything that discusses gender bias, people had opinions. Obnoxious opinions, naturally, about women not being able to go to the moon because of "bodily functions." Well, thank goodness for Mary because she came in and blew our minds with a plethora of bodily function outer space knowledge and we're stoked to share it with you!

Vroom-Vroom to the moon?


Peeing in space? Let's talk about it.

Peeing in space? Let's talk about it.Twitter

That first theory almost sounded plausible, didn't it? Alas, it was incorrect.


Alan Shepherd

15 minutes man.

Alan Shepherd Twitter

Hey, who hasn't wet themselves before going into space?

Don't knock it til you try it.

Hey, who hasn't wet themselves before going into space?Twitter

They tried.

And like all early attempts at problem solving: they failed.

They tried.Twitter

...I'm not even surprised.

*Laughs in disappointment*

...I'm not even surprised.Twitter

Serves 'em right.

Who knew it could stink this bad!

Serves 'em right.Twitter




Requires phenomenal timing skills.



It sounds delightful, no matter the outcome.


Congrats to Buzz Aldrin.

I mean, the real hero of the moon, basically.

Congrats to Buzz Aldrin.Twitter




Miscommunication with borderline hilarious results, basically.


Mission Control, let's talk about pee.



Basically, bathing in pee. I'm not here to kink shame.


Revolutionary: THE DIAPER

Absolutely amazing.

Revolutionary: THE DIAPERTwitter

Modern problems, like pooping in space, required modern solutions.

And it's not modern to tape a bag to your butt.

Modern problems, like pooping in space, required modern solutions. Twitter

Here's a nice vision for your brain.

What can I say, except, "you're welcome?"

Here's a nice vision for your brain.Twitter

And you thought malfunctioning toilets on earth were a burden.

And you thought malfunctioning toilets on earth were a burden.Twitter

"Is this chocolate or poop?"


All of this to say:

It was never about bodily functions.

All of this to say:Twitter

"Astronauts have tried."

I'd be disappointed if they hadn't.


Fun Fact:

Tampons exist.

Fun Fact:Twitter


*Laughs in uterus*


Well, that is fascinating.

I wouldn't mind if this was the gravity reality, honestly.

Well, that is fascinating.Twitter

A beautiful tradition?

You could say it's a golden opportunity.

A beautiful tradition?Twitter


I guess these are the things people want to know.


Asking the important questions!

Asking the important questions!Twitter

Oh, gross.

Oh, gross.Twitter

The Garn Scale

What a legacy!

The Garn ScaleTwitter

Poory Guy

Poory GuyTwitter

You know you wanted to see this.

You know you wanted to see this.Twitter

Holy Moly

That hurts to read.

Holy MolyTwitter

All of us felt this.

All of us felt this.imgur

I refuse to imagine this.

I refuse to imagine this.imgur

Sweet time.

Sweet time.imgur

Thank you Mary, for your educational Twitter thread all about bodily functions in space. You can follow Mary on her Twitter and check out her website!

Mary Robinette Kowal