Woman Uses Classic Art To Show What Types Of Men Are Toxic
Honestly; hang these in the Louvre

Writer Nicole Tersigni was fed up with the way that men felt the need to explain her own jokes to her… we love that. She ended up pairing that frustration with some classic paintings and creating some new, magnificent art.
She paired some modern text depicting the woes of mansplaining with some classic art, she eventually turned it into a thread as so many other people connected with it! After the thread went viral, a literary agent got into contact with Nicole to see if she was interested in turning them into a book.
Have a look at some of the art below, and check out Nicole on Twitter and Instagram.
Nicole's work ended up becoming a book!
Here is a link to the book, and you can also find it on Amazon.

Can think of something else that is... not ideal.

"I know you are a professional but I watched a YouTube video..."
About the process, Nicole said:
“You’d be surprised at how many classic paintings have women directing blank looks at men. Occasionally, I’ll have a vague idea for a joke and I’ll scroll through all my art until I find a painting that could work for it, but usually it’s the other way around.”

MY horses
The writer looks for any paintings that have at least one man and one woman, where you can see their expressions. “You’d be surprised at how many classic paintings have women directing blank looks at men.”She then works a joke around them. “Occasionally, I’ll have a vague idea for a joke and I’ll scroll through all my art until I find a painting that could work for it, but usually it’s the other way around.”

Drop the bucket on him!

According to the opening paragraph...
“I’ve had so many people sharing their own stories and experiences with me, and telling me how thankful they are for the book.”“It’s nice to be able to laugh together about something that’s normally very frustrating.”



Sure that'll help

Be careful ladies!


What do you think? Do you relate?
Don't forget to check out Nicole's Twitter, Instagram, Website, and grab a copy of her book!