Nostalgic Christmas: This Is What Homes Looked Like In The 50s and 60s During the Holiday Season
We'll never see Christmas quite like this ever again.

At the moment, most of us have a living room adorned with a real (or fake) Christmas tree, as tall as the ceiling. Perhaps some of us have lined up our tree along with photos of our family members on the wall, or next to the latest Samsung smart TV.
Others have children and pets to worry about clawing or ripping off the tinsel, so we've stuck felt trees to walls or bought half Christmas trees (that look like a weird hybrid of a stripper pole and a lush tree). What ever the case, 60-70 years ago, Christmas trees and their situational rooms looked much different to what we can expect today.
Stroll down memory lane by taking a gander at some of these incredibly traditional Christmas tree scenes looked like, back in the time of our grandparents.
That TV though.

That's an interesting spot to put a tree.

This is what dreams are made of.

Cats? Christmas? Relatable.

This pupper knows he's good lookin'.

If he fits, he sits.

Wearing their best dress of course.

Simplicity in its finest.

I've never seen a tree quite like this before.

I love the hanging decorations.