Author Diana Rowland Responds to Complaints Made About Her 'Unusual' Christmas Decorations

The true mother of dragons.

  • Published in Funny
Author Diana Rowland Responds to Complaints Made About Her 'Unusual' Christmas Decorations

The Christmas season has come around again and people all over the world are preparing for one of the biggest Christmas icons, putting up big Christmas displays with lots of lights, massive statues of Christmas figures some even include music in their display, all claiming that theirs is the best.

Well, wonder no more about which is truly the best because the real best Christmas display has been revealed and all the neighbours are talking about it.

Move over singing Christmas display because you have nothing on Diana Rowland (author if the 'White Trash Zombie' series) and her Christmas... dragons?!

Author Diana Rowland is commonly known for her brilliant books such as 'My Life as a White Trash Zombie' (2011) and its 5 sequels as well as other novels like 'The Mark of the Demon'. What Diana hasn't been known for is her truly brilliant Christmas displays. That all changes now. Diana is apparently a big fan of Christmas decorating but decided to take a fun, less traditional approach this year. Diana's Christmas display featured three dragons with an orb surrounding a pentagram looking design in lights on the floor.


The neighbours clearly didn't like the display very much.

One of Diana's neighbours wrote her a letter in opposition to her Christmas display. The letter stated that it misses the point of Christmas, it should only be put on display during Halloween and they even go so far to claim that it makes neighbours wonder if she is in a demonic cult (because demonic cults are DEFINITELY known for their colourful dragons). The letter then proceeds to ask her to consider removing the dragons.

The neighbours clearly didn't like the display very much.Facebook

Diana's response to the complaint was to expand the dragon family with two christmassy dragons. I'm sure the neighbours like the slightly more traditional addition to the dragon family.


The responses to this news are almost as brilliant as the display itself.

Dragon Army helping the world.

Upon the story blowing up, many offered Diana money to expand the dragon family but she asked that they instead take that money and donate it to a charity of their choice. What a great way to make the most of this situation.

At the end of the day the holidays should be all inclusive. Diana's final post on the matter says it best.

On Twitter, Diana stated that the Washington Post has called her a hero of our time. She truly is that. Diana Rowland, hero of our time, real mother of dragons and saviour of Christmas 2018.

At the end of the day the holidays should be all inclusive. Diana's final post on the matter says it best.Source