35 Choosing Beggars That Are So Entitled That They'll Make You Want To Call The Manager

Can you do it for cheaper? You know, like, for nothing?

  • Published in Funny
35 Choosing Beggars That Are So Entitled That They'll Make You Want To Call The Manager

Most would agree that beggars can't be choosers and that's literally their slogan in the subreddit r/ChoosingBeggars. In their Redditors share their own encounters and stories they have heard from others about how people are extra entitled sometimes.

It is borderline ridiculous the way people who are subjected in the stories expect things that others have worked hard for to be given to them for nothing. Some even go as far as manipulating people to pay for them.

Artists, workers, and even people who are looking for jobs are abused by these kinds of beggars. The worst thing is they blow up when things don't exactly go their way and would degrade you.

Every day, new entries about choosing beggars are shared in this subreddit. They get called out but most of all, Redditors share them so they can release their frustrations and find people to rant with.

Sure for some, they can laugh about it but it all depends on how it's handled. There are some Redditors that have had their fair share of choosing beggars and have by now mastered how to deter them away without getting their own feelings hurt.

We have selected quite a few images from the subreddit that portrays clearly how choosing beggars choose to be. Here are people who you wish you'd never encounter in your life.

If you want great quality output, you have to be ready to pay for what you want to get

If you want great quality output, you have to be ready to pay for what you want to getFlamboyanttree

You're bound to get exposed if you ask for services in exchange for 'exposure'

You're bound to get exposed if you ask for services in exchange for 'exposure'megabollockchops

One step forward and ma'am please step to the back as you are blocking independent women

One step forward and ma'am please step to the back as you are blocking independent womenAthenasDesire

Get that tattooed on your head, exposure doesn't pay the bills

Get that tattooed on your head, exposure doesn't pay the billsrafasgjhdi

The ghost of Christmas Karens

The ghost of Christmas Karensblue_bubble69

Take that attitude and negotiation skills out the dump

Take that attitude and negotiation skills out the dumpkristanw22

The world also spins backwards and everything's upside down

The world also spins backwards and everything's upside downVodkaBat

Yeah let's say things were a bit rocky

Yeah let's say things were a bit rockyLuucil

OP provided a second picture as a continuation

OP provided a second picture as a continuationLuucil

Maybe they'll learn the word 'no' and put it with the word 'freebies'

Maybe they'll learn the word 'no' and put it with the word 'freebies'TameikaFugate

There's 0 in a million chances that you're gonna get free shoes

There's 0 in a million chances that you're gonna get free shoesretoheyu

Well that wish escalated

Well that wish escalatednotbakedrn

And wasted the item instead of giving it away to someone who wants it?

And wasted the item instead of giving it away to someone who wants it?darthdoro

With what customer service deal with every year, that number is way too low

With what customer service deal with every year, that number is way too lowgradydthdfg

Nothing says Christmas spirit than prioritizing a Christmas tree despite bankruptcy

Nothing says Christmas spirit than prioritizing a Christmas tree despite bankruptcyLacroix_boiii

Quality of the product 10/10 Having to pay for it? 2/10

Quality of the product 10/10 Having to pay for it? 2/10Datsm1015

You know what can also destroy a business? Breaking protocol

You know what can also destroy a business? Breaking protocolSkye_hai_bai

That decline button is really shining bright right now

That decline button is really shining bright right nowBartLacerda

Ah kids and their unrealistic expectations

Ah kids and their unrealistic expectationsbruving

Talented people also know their worth

Talented people also know their worthkalibabka

This ad is for the gullible ONLY

This ad is for the gullible ONLYneotheprophet

How bout a negotiation. $1000 including the vertical posts

How bout a negotiation. $1000 including the vertical postsPhilyJFry

When you've gotten someone a present and they ask why you wouldn't might as well put your credit card in there too

When you've gotten someone a present and they ask why you wouldn't might as well put your credit card in there tooTheHighwayChode

So doing this would just screw you through and through right?

So doing this would just screw you through and through right?slade364

There's only one way to pay and that's with money

There's only one way to pay and that's with moneyFarSidePsy3214

Some people put themselves out there just to annoy others

Some people put themselves out there just to annoy othersPomegranateAcrobatic

A continuation of the post above

A continuation of the post abovePomegranateAcrobatic

Oh honey, this isn't the right show for that

Oh honey, this isn't the right show for thatRayamine

Yells 'no way' in husky

Yells 'no way' in huskydyne-nine

They always think it's not a big deal until they're the ones being asked to do it

They always think it's not a big deal until they're the ones being asked to do itTacosAndBoba

Watch them still ask if they can pay with exposure

Watch them still ask if they can pay with exposureCurb_Herb

So in short, you want a live-in nurse to pay you to take care of your mother?

So in short, you want a live-in nurse to pay you to take care of your mother?pocahonstacks

If you could only give awards for cringiness

If you could only give awards for cringiness boomaberg

Entry-level for the ultimate boss all-stars edition

Entry-level for the ultimate boss all-stars editionJowbles

What about us? What about me?

What about us? What about me?TheS0ftMachine

Sure, not picky. What a prize, someone who likes back tickles.

Sure, not picky. What a prize, someone who likes back tickles.Samburger112

Higher salary (also required)

Higher salary (also required)wickedstepmonster

There are a lot of entitled people in this world. The r/Choosingbeggars can attest to that with how much Redditors see every day.

The more important thing though is for you to not cross the dark side and become one of them. If you can wear a sash that says 'Exposure doesn't pay bills' maybe it'll deter them away from you too.

Hopefully, they're certain species that would lessen and start paying people what they deserve to be paid. Entitlement can only go so far.

Do you have choosing beggars in your life? You can share your stories in our comments.
