Here Is Everything You Need To Know About The Chicken Pumpkin Carving Challenge
This Halloween consisted of a lot of things and one of them was the chicken pumpkin challenge.

Every Halloween we usually have new traditions come to life and we start new trends, whether that is making new traditions all the way or changing up some old traditional ones. Regardless, Halloween is an awesome time to go to haunted houses, carve pumpkins, and attend Halloween parties.
This year, 2022, we had a few different trends hit social media around Halloween time, but one of our favorites was the chicken pumpkin carving challenge. This is exactly what it sounds like and it went viral all over every social media site you've known.
There were so many people who hopped on this trend to have their chickens make the best masterpieces on a pumpkin. It's a super clever way to carve out pumpkins and it can be fun to do for both you and the chickens.
A woman shared that someone shared with her a way to carve pumpkins by starting it a little bit and the chickens will eat the rest of the way through. She decided to try it and low and behold it worked, so the video inevitably blew up on Tiktok.
It had other people trying the trend instantly so let's look at this trend and see what these chickens created.
This is how she started off the pumpkin and she shares the journey over four days of her chickens pecking at it.
The woman got the tip from someone else in a group she's in. Here's how she explained it:
“So, someone in my chicken group on Facebook said if you start a pumpkin just a little bit the chickens will continue to eat on it and carve it.” She went on, “So let’s see what kind of pumpkin my chickens carve. Here we go!”

Here is a look at the original first video as she shares progress that the chickens have made on the pumpkin.
She states that during the first day, not much happened, but she just let the chickens continue what they were doing. She shared her progress over four days and the results weren't disappointing.
The method went viral and people everywhere were trying the pumpkin carving challenge.
She even shared some clips of one she tried doing with squirrels but the results weren't as great.
Soon enough people started coming up with their own type of chicken carving method.
Someone tried carving out larger holes to get the chickens to peck and it seemed to give her better results. People everywhere were sharing their pumpkin chicken carving results.
Many people even said that their skin crawled watching this. Regardless, there are really awesome designs that you can have your chickens make for future Halloweens now that we know this trick.

Chicken pumpkin carving might be the next Halloween tradition that all chicken owners start doing. It seems pretty fun and the chickens seem to have liked it as well.
I definitely wouldn't mind trying it and it might be a fun activity to do every year. What do you think about this trend and do you think it deserved to get so popular?