Woman Finds Out Her Tinder Date Was Engaged And She Tells His Fiancé

When someone said, "it's a jungle out here", I KNOW they were talking about Tinder.

Woman Finds Out Her Tinder Date Was Engaged And She Tells His Fiancé

Tinder is wild. It's crazy, it's sketchy, it's just a total jungle.

In fact, When someone said, "it's a jungle out here", I KNOW they were talking about Tinder. 

I missed the whole 'dating app' time-frame. I've been married for 6 years and dated my husband for 5 years before we got married. Basically, Tinder wasn't even a thought when we met. In fact, iPhones barely existed.

Part of me is jealous, not because I want to date other people, but because I think Tinder and dating apps in general are really fun! (I realise this is probably because I don't have to rely on it for dating) but, when I'm having brunch with my single friends, you can BET that I make them let me swipe through their Tinder, just to see what's out there.

Unfortunately for them, and as mentioned earlier, Tinder is a jungle. It's super common to get ghosted, sexually harassed, cat-fished and often, lied to.

That's what happened to Kimberly Anne, a 31-year-old single and Tinder user who found out the guy she'd met on Tinder and gone on a date with... was recently engaged!

Here is Kimberly and a guy she matched with (AND went on a date with) after meeting on Tinder

They went on a date, and she thought things went well.

After the first date, he came up on her 'people you may know' on Facebook

Here is Kimberly and a guy she matched with (AND went on a date with) after meeting on Tinder Kennedy News & Media

Kimberly soon realised that not only was her date already committed to the 'someone special' that he said he was looking for... HE WAS ENGAGED!

She confronted her date but he claimed she had the ‘wrong person’,

Kimberly said, "He sent me a message on WhatsApp and I asked him why he was messaging me on there instead of just sending a regular text and he just changed the subject. ‘When I started scrolling on Facebook it brought up suggested friends and I recognised him immediately from his profile picture. ‘I thought I’d take a look and the first thing I noticed was that it said he was in a relationship. ‘Hoping it was old I clicked on her profile and the first post was an engagement announcement from exactly one month ago."

Kimberly soon realised that not only was her date already committed to the 'someone special' that he said he was looking for... HE WAS ENGAGED! Kennedy News & Media

She confronted his fiance, citing the fact that if it was her, she'd want to know!

She confronted his fiance, citing the fact that if it was her, she'd want to know! Kennedy News & Media

She totally called him out! The fiance seemed bummed, but happy that she was told. Best of all, she DIDN'T blame Kimberly!

Kimberly stated, "I just felt if the tables were turned I would want her [his fiancé] to tell me. ‘I feel women have to support women in these situations."

"My whole body was shaking when I was sending these messages because I didn’t know how she was going to react. ‘I felt so awful and partially responsible that I could potentially be breaking this woman’s heart."

She totally called him out! The fiance seemed bummed, but happy that she was told. Best of all, she DIDN'T blame Kimberly! Kennedy News & Media