15+ People Share Celebrities They Don't Like Even Though They Are Commonly Adored

Well, not everyone can like you...

15+ People Share Celebrities They Don't Like Even Though They Are Commonly Adored

Every one of us has that one celeb that everyone loves, but we wholly and utterly hate. Why is that?

Do we try to be different? Celebrities are all around us, and we are constantly bombarded by news from their personal lives.

And even if you don't have any interest in them and avoid them like the plaque, you are bound to run into some of them in the newspaper or on the news. This is so annoying.

And makes you hate even the celebs you generally like. Going to movies to watch them or listening to their music is one thing, but unsolicited news from their personal lives is entirely different.

You never asked for it, but you have to see it. People may believe their blatant, pure hatred for particular superstars emerges from nowhere, but researchers say it's a phenomenon ingrained in our fan culture.

Yes, there are actually some people we love to hate. For example, a Redditor going by the name u/crystalmethanyh1 asked: "Who's a celebrity everyone loves except for you and why?"

And the responses came pouring in. We have chosen some of the most interesting, and we know you are going to find them interesting too.

Take a look:

Someone asked:

Someone asked:Reddit

1. Amy Schumer

1. Amy SchumerReddit

2. Adolf Hitler. Funny

2. Adolf Hitler. FunnyReddit

3. Jason Momoa

3. Jason MomoaReddit

4. Tiger Woods and Scottie Pippen

4. Tiger Woods and Scottie PippenReddit

5. Drake

5. DrakeReddit

6. Lil’ Sebastian

6. Lil’ SebastianReddit

7. Priyanka Chopra

7. Priyanka ChopraReddit

8. Wendy Williams

8. Wendy WilliamsReddit

"In fantasy, what we love and what we hate can get very, very close, because it's just about strong, intense feelings that don't really have much of a frame around them," says Sharon Marcus, Columbia University professor.


9. Matt Damon

9. Matt DamonReddit

10. Ryan Seacrest

10. Ryan SeacrestReddit

11. Ellen

11. EllenReddit

12. Gal Gadot

12. Gal GadotReddit

13. Tyra Banks

13. Tyra BanksReddit

14. Kevin Hart

14. Kevin HartReddit

15. Ariana Grande

15. Ariana GrandeReddit

16. Oprah Winfrey

16. Oprah WinfreyReddit

17. Beyoncé

17. BeyoncéReddit

18. Vin Diesel. The fact that this Redditor didn't even bother to spell his name correctly...

18. Vin Diesel. The fact that this Redditor didn't even bother to spell his name correctly...Reddit

19. Jimmy Savile

This grandmom had some good instincts. Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile was an English DJ, television, and radio personality who hosted BBC shows.

He raised an estimated $50 million for charities during his lifetime. He was widely praised for his personal qualities and as a fund-raiser.

After his death in 2011, hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse were made against him, leading the police to conclude that he had been a predatory sex offender and possibly one of Britain's most prolific. There had been allegations during his lifetime, but they were dismissed and accusers ignored or disbelieved.

Savile took legal action against some accusers.

19. Jimmy SavileReddit

Jeffrey Brown, professor, and chair of the Department of Popular Culture at Bowling Green State University says that there is there's always a reason for our feelings.

"It may be a reason they don't want to admit to themselves, but there is a reason for it. Celebrities signify things. They stand for certain values, certain assumptions that we make about them as people, and when we don't like what those celebrities signify, that's when we inherently blame the celebrity themselves and say, 'oh I hate that person because they don't align with my values.”

So, why do you hate the celebs you hate?
