30+ Times Influencers And Celebrities Were Exposed For Photoshop Mistakes

Picture-perfect, right?

  • Published in Funny
30+ Times Influencers And Celebrities Were Exposed For Photoshop Mistakes

In a world where social media reigns supreme, and filters are the norm, the quest for the perfect selfie has reached epic proportions. We’ve all heard about the wonders of Photoshop and Facetune, those magical apps that can transform an ordinary photo into a masterpiece.

But what happens when reality becomes so distorted that even the most discerning eye can’t tell fact from fiction? Enter Instagramreality, a community of internet sleuths dedicated to exposing the truth behind the carefully curated images we see online.

From impossibly tiny waists to flawless skin and picture-perfect backgrounds, nothing is off-limits in their quest to uncover the secrets of digital manipulation. Sure, it’s easy to get caught up in the allure of those flawless Instagram feeds, but let’s not forget that behind every perfectly posed photo lies a carefully constructed facade.

What we see online is often far from reality, and it’s important to remember that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and imperfections. Thanks to the vigilant moderators of Instagramreality, we can now see beyond the smoke and mirrors of social media and embrace our true selves.

So, the next time you find yourself comparing your own reflection to those flawless faces on your feed, take a moment to remember that perfection is nothing more than an illusion. After all, who needs filters when you’ve got personality?

1. "The Original Has Finally Seen The Light Of Day"

1. Reddit

2. "Photoshop Cloud Associates."

2. yesplz

3. "No way"

3. yesplz

4. "Gee, Lindsey Lohan, what a tricky set of stairs you have."

4. yesplz

5. “She looked perfectly fine in the before image sheesh”

5. “She looked perfectly fine in the before image sheesh”Reddit

6. "Bey’s bendy wine glass by her knee."

6. yesplz

7. "Natural look."

7. Reddit

8. “Don’t believe what you see on Instagram folks”

8. “Don’t believe what you see on Instagram folks”Reddit

9. "Oh man, some architect is about to get sued."

9. Reddit

10. “When you carry your personal cloud everywhere you go”

10. “When you carry your personal cloud everywhere you go”Reddit

11. "Shrunken Head"

11. Reddit

12. "Blury beautiful "

12. Reddit

13. "The Mirror Always Seems To Expose These People "

13. Reddit

14. "Clothing promo."

14. Reddit

15. Ups..

15. Ups..yesplz

16. "So Hot, The Car Melted"

16. Reddit

17. "Please, change the palette!"

17. Reddit

18. "She’s 50 Years Old And Photoshops Herself To Look Like She’s In Her Late 20s. Women, There Is Nothing Wrong With Looking Your Age. You’re Not Expected To Look Like A 20-Year-Old Forever"

18. Reddit

19. “Kylie’s version (left) vs. the original”

19. “Kylie’s version (left) vs. the original”Instagram

20. "Miranda Kerr doesn’t seem to think she is thin enough."

20. yesplz

21. “100% white Swedish influencer (blackfishing)”

21. “100% white Swedish influencer (blackfishing)”Reddit

22. "Is that a part of Rihanna’s costume or a second thumb?"

22. yesplz

23. "Lady Gaga using the force to bend that mirror."

23. yesplz

24. "They really do always forget the shadows."

24. Reddit

25. "Can‘t Believe How She Thinks That’s Acceptable"

25. Reddit

26. "Busted!"

26. yesplz

27. "Beautified."

27. Reddit

28. "Can you imagine caring enough about the shape of your belly button to use multiple fake belly-buttons in a photoshoot?"

28. yesplz

29. "Skin? Never Heard Of It."

29. Reddit

30. “The razor burn is real”

30. “The razor burn is real”Reddit

31. "Oh no Lindsey, what are you doing."

31. yesplz

32. "No armpits, another unachievable beauty standard for women"

32. Reddit

33. "I Didn’t Know There Was A Wax Statue In Milan"

33. Reddit

34. “Con photos do not lie.”

34. “Con photos do not lie.”Reddit

35. “Teeth brighter than my future”

35. “Teeth brighter than my future”Reddit

36. "Angles Change People"

36. Reddit

37. "Found On A Thinspo Account. Send Help."

37. Reddit

38. "Online vs. at photo-op."

38. Reddit

39. "Traveling with his personal fence."

39. Reddit

40. "Bubble butt"

40. Reddit

41. "Wow no word."

41. yesplz

42. "Same day."

42. Reddit

43. "Same jeans. Different results.”

43. Reddit

44. "And oh boy, the (Tiger) King of fake…"

44. yesplz

45. “No Filter” But Instagram Says Otherwise At The Top"

45. “No Filter” But Instagram Says Otherwise At The TopReddit

46. “Instagram vs. real life”

46. “Instagram vs. real life”Instagram

47. "And to think she’s so beautiful without the Facetune."

47. Reddit

48. “Uncanny Valley”

48. “Uncanny Valley”Reddit

49. “Same day comparison”

49. “Same day comparison”Reddit

50. “He Forgot To Photoshop The iPhone Box’s Shadow”

50. “He Forgot To Photoshop The iPhone Box’s Shadow”Reddit

51. "Posted vs. tagged."

51. Reddit

52. “The power of makeup and filters”

52. “The power of makeup and filters”Reddit

53. "Beyoncé was botching some gap work again."

53. yesplz

54. "No belly button, no problem!"

54. Reddit

55. “Instagram “model” steals photo of Queen and photoshops herself in”

55. “Instagram “model” steals photo of Queen and photoshops herself in”Instagram

56. "Two bellybuttons."

56. Reddit

57. "I Thought People Had More Sense Than To Believe This Is Real, But She Popped Up On My Feed Because Friends Of Mine Shared Images Like This As “Goals”

57. Reddit

58. "I Literally Have No Words…"

58. Reddit

59. "Not Even Craters Are Safe From Mad Filtering"

59. Reddit

60. “Photo on left is from when she first joined Instagram. The photo on right is recent and after influencer fame. Might as well be a different person.”

60. “Photo on left is from when she first joined Instagram. The photo on right is recent and after influencer fame. Might as well be a different person.”Reddit

61. “He has so much power that he can even melt glass”

61. “He has so much power that he can even melt glass”Reddit

So, what's the takeaway from all of this? Well, it's time to ditch the filters and embrace the beauty of imperfection. Let's stop striving for an unattainable standard of perfection and start celebrating authenticity instead.

After all, life is too short to waste trying to live up to someone else's idea of beauty. So here's to being real, flaws and all.

As they say, you're not a photocopy but an original. So own it, flaunt it, and let your true self shine through. After all, nothing is more beautiful than being confident and unapologetically you.
