16 People Who Eerily Look Just Like Famous Celebrities

Doppelgangers living parallel lives.

16 People Who Eerily Look Just Like Famous Celebrities

A lot of us dream about what it would be like to live like a celebrity, with all the privileges and perks that come along with it. It's pretty easy to conjure an imagined life as a famous person, and some people even go to great lengths just to imitate their role models.

However, for some people, the imitation comes naturally—all because they actually look like a celebrity we all know! Some would pay a tremendous amount of money for surgeries to change their features to that of a famous person, but for some people, they are quite lucky since they resemble them already.

Some would take advantage of their resemblance to a celebrity and start a career as an impersonator, while others like to lie low and just entertain people on social media by further imitating their photos. Sometimes, you would even pass by them on the streets and would probably mistake them as a celebrity!

An Instagram account by the name of Same de la Same posts photos of normal, non-famous people who look just like some of our celebrity favorites. It is created by @freddys88 or Freddy Silvinsky and the account currently has over 34k followers on the said platform.

He regularly posts celebrity lookalikes on the account, and some of the resemblances are truly uncanny! Just take a look at some of the account's best posts below.

1. Maisie Williams and Sonja Lovdal

"Tell them the North remembers!"

1. Maisie Williams and Sonja Lovdal@same.de.la.same

2. Keanu Reeves and Daniel Volovsek

2. Keanu Reeves and Daniel Volovsek@same.de.la.same

3. Emma Watson and Ella Norton

Everything looks the same! She's definitely someone you would do a double take when you see her on the streets.

3. Emma Watson and Ella Norton@same.de.la.same

4. Tom Holland and Rafael Marquez

Do you see it?

4. Tom Holland and Rafael Marquez@same.de.la.same

5. Rihanna and Rose Cohen

5. Rihanna and Rose Cohen@same.de.la.same

6. Kim Kardashian and this lookalike of hers

She can be an another Kardashian sister!

6. Kim Kardashian and this lookalike of hers@same.de.la.same

7. Johnny Depp and Jason Coster

Does it account if it's a cosplay of an iconic character?

7. Johnny Depp and Jason Coster@same.de.la.same

8. Selena Gomez and Tala

Take a look at her Instagram here and see more photos of her! She resembles Sel in most of her photos but she's truly beautiful on her own.

8. Selena Gomez and Tala@same.de.la.same

9. Benedict Cumberbatch and Michele Paterakis

It's a Doctor Strange variant!

9. Benedict Cumberbatch and Michele Paterakis@same.de.la.same

10. Jason Statham and this guy from The Expandables

10. Jason Statham and this guy from The Expandables@same.de.la.same

11. Jason Momoa And Patrick, a Superman and Aquaman cosplayer

11. Jason Momoa And Patrick, a Superman and Aquaman cosplayer@same.de.la.same

12. Margot Robbie and this girl as her lookalike from a Lookalike agency

12. Margot Robbie and this girl as her lookalike from a Lookalike agency@same.de.la.same

13. Daniel Craig and his impersonator on Instagram

13. Daniel Craig and his impersonator on Instagram@same.de.la.same

14. Katy Perry and Francesca Brown

Forget Zooey Deschanel, here's a copy of Katy!

14. Katy Perry and Francesca Brown@same.de.la.same

15. Vincent van Gogh made alive by his impersonator

15. Vincent van Gogh made alive by his impersonator@same.de.la.same

What must it be like to grow up looking like a celebrity without any surgeries or any alterations at all? Admittedly, some of these may not be natural but we can't deny that they got some pretty great resemblances to their respective celebrities!

Do you know anyone who looks just like a famous person? Comment down your thoughts, or share this article for all your family and friends to see!
