30 Celebs Photoshopped Hanging Out With Their Younger Versions

Time does its thing... but seeing it in such a tangible manner is pretty incredible and eye-opening.

30 Celebs Photoshopped Hanging Out With Their Younger Versions

Time changes everything and everyone. No one is immune, not even the celebrities, even though some of them have invested heavily in surgical procedures which have altered their appearance beyond all recognition.

But we are not going to talk about them here. No, we are paying tribute to people who have aged with grace and managed to keep their charm.

They aged like wine, and it is more becoming that we say they look more experienced than older. These are the people who shaped our childhood and teenage years – we’ve cried and laughed with them, gone on different adventures, and had great fun.

Unfortunately, some of these wonderful people are no longer with us, and they are dearly missed. Dutch graphic designer Ard Gelinck gives us a new look at how stars change over time by creating natural-looking photoshopped images hanging out with their younger selves.

The “Then and Now” series is very popular and has earned Ard a following of over 301k people on Instagram. The featured celebrities also appreciate Ard’s work, and they love to reshare those photos.

We have chosen 30 of his latest pieces, and we know you are going to love them. Take a look.

Nostalgia overdose is coming...

1. Betty White

1. Betty Whiteardgelinck

2. Morgan Freeman

2. Morgan Freemanardgelinck

3. Pink

3. Pinkardgelinck

4. Jason Momoa

4. Jason Momoaardgelinck

Ard says that the most popular characters are actors from Friends TV show."They were and still are mega-popular worldwide because this show was aired all over the world."

He also added that his recent post with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez was also very successful. They just got back together, and it was widely covered by the media.

The artist also said that he had to find a "respectful and lovely way to honor" beloved actress Betty White who recently passed away.

5. Paul Rudd

5. Paul Ruddardgelinck

6. Bill Murray

6. Bill Murrayardgelinck

7. Harrison Ford

7. Harrison Fordardgelinck

Ard says that the pictures of beloved stars who passed away get lots of reactions and beautiful comments. "For example, stars like Amy Winehouse, George Michael, David Bowie, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant, and recently Betty White and Bob Saget remain very popular among fans."

8. Kate Winslet

8. Kate Winsletardgelinck

9. Robert Downey

9. Robert Downeyardgelinck

10. Sophia Loren

10. Sophia Lorenardgelinck

11. John Cleese

11. John Cleeseardgelinck

12. Christina Applegate

12. Christina Applegateardgelinck

13. Bon Jovi

13. Bon Joviardgelinck

14. Kurt Cobain

14. Kurt Cobainardgelinck

15. Britney Spears

15. Britney Spearsardgelinck

16. Will Smith

16. Will Smithardgelinck

17. Sting

17. Stingardgelinck

18. James Michael Tyler

18. James Michael Tylerardgelinck

19. Ricky Gervais

19. Ricky Gervaisardgelinck

20. Angelina Jolie

20. Angelina Jolieardgelinck

21. Sean Connery

21. Sean Conneryardgelinck

22. Marilyn Monroe

22. Marilyn Monroeardgelinck

23. Alanis Morissette

23. Alanis Morissetteardgelinck

24. Charlize Theron

24. Charlize Theronardgelinck

25. Robert Redford

25. Robert Redfordardgelinck

26. Michael Jordan

26. Michael Jordanardgelinck

27. Kim Kardashian

27. Kim Kardashianardgelinck

28. Brian May

28. Brian Mayardgelinck

29. Jennifer Aniston

29. Jennifer Anistonardgelinck

30. John Lennon

30. John Lennonardgelinck

Does Ard have favorite celebs? "There are a few," he said.

"For example, I think Harry Styles has gone through a lot of development in music style and his voice. This also applies to Miley Cyrus; she has grown from a child star to a major global star.

Lady Gaga surprised me in a positive way. She was very good in 'A Star Is Born.' But there are so many more..."

We hope you've enjoyed these photos. We know we did...
